
07 March 2010

The Great Date #1

On Wednesday the hubs and I went on our FIRST Great Date. If you don't know what I am referring to you can read about it HERE.

Note: The church I linked you to in the aforementioned post did a different 1st great date then the one we did, because I printed it off from another church site, don't ask me why...

We were lacking on the picture taking during the date,
so I added a nice old engagement picture.

We chose Johnny Carino's for dinner. You are suppose to have the waitress choose your dinner for you with only ONE stipulation, but Chad wasn't up for that, he didn't want to put the waitress on the spot. HA! I was ok with it because I am an EXTREMELY picky eater, and we don't go out much any more, so I didn't want to spend $15 on a meal I would hate. (Even though I did, but at least it was my fault not hers. HA!) But the bread and oil was delightful...pretty sure I ate my weight in that! Yum!

During this time we asked each other a list of questions. My favorite was "If you had to get a tattoo that summed up why you love your spouse it would be_______" For me I would get a court jester because my hubby is such a clown and makes me laugh all the time. For him he said the word Loyal because I am super loyal to those I love.

Next up we were to go somewhere and ask more questions and talk. We chose to drive around and go to the mall (mostly because someone, ahem Chad, wanted to look at shoes). To bad it wasn't nicer out so we could have walked around outside. :(

Finally we were instructed to go to the grocery store, split up and spend $2 each purchasing a dessert for one another...well, since we clearly love to follow directions :) we decided we would rather go to Freddy's for a turtle concrete!! YUM! Grand total $4.15! Perfect. :) Hey, it is about being together not being a rule nazi.

Then it was homeward bound!

Overall, it WAS a Great Date! It was fun and I felt like I got to learn a little more about Chad and hopefully him about me!
I love you Chad and can't wait to do the next 5 dates!!

P.S. It isn't too late to join in on all the FUN!


  1. So fun! Glad you all enjoyed it, which date number did you end up doing? I also don't think i could have followed the rule of letting the waitor pick my food I mean I'm sure they wouldn't know what a pregnant girl would like to eat consider I hardly know what I want to eat each day ;). I loved the questions they have you talk about cause I think its so easy to turn a date night into talking about work or family so it's great that they give you some prompting questions. Are you all gonna do the dates once a month or every couple weeks?

  2. that's awesome!! I love it. I'll have to follow the link you suggested. Did you say your church does this?? Our Young Adults group at church is going to babysit in a couple weeks for other couples so they can go on a date. We'll have to suggest this. Plus, I wanna do this w/ Jamie for a date night for us. How fun!!

  3. Hey, I really like this idea. It looks like a lot of fun.

  4. okay, so the reason I posted a million comments on here is b/c it kept saying it didn't post. sorry!! :)


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