
25 May 2010

Bringing Up Girls

I am currently reading Dr. Dobson's Bringing Up Girls. Thus, far it has been very insightful, but when is something he writes not insightful. :) Last night I was reading about the female brain and holy cow was it riveting. Probably more riveting to me than my husband because let's face it men have no clue what it is like to be us. It even gave me more understanding of myself too!

Did you know that when you are 8 weeks pregnant with a BOY their brain is bathe in a testosterone bath? AND that this male sex hormone kills some of the communication cells, including a portion of nerves call the corpus callosum. This area of nerves connections the right side (emotions) to the left (language), making boys and men unable to effectively "cross talk." Well, this helps explain a lot about my husband. :) He just never thinks what I think is a big deal. HA!

Baby girls do not undergo this (obviously) THUS, what makes us such emotional creatures. It is already innate. AMAZING. If that isn't proof of God what is? Dr. Dobson goes onto say that b/c our corpus callosum is still intact it makes our female brain and 8 lane super highway and a boy's a country road. This makes me laugh because it so true.

However, did you know that baby girls starting at 6 MONTHS of age (through 30 months) get bathe in an estrogen bath? Seriously, this explains SO MUCH. I have been saying for months now that I thought I had 11-12 years before Lo went all hormonally crazy on us, but she is already starting! She is so emotionally charged. Well, now I know why, poor girl.

This estrogen bath is what makes us girls so loving and nurturing. I have been so amazed at how Lo already takes to being a mommy in training, I didn't teach or encourage that, it is just what makes her a girl. AMAZING.

Here she is with a friend's little girl at the tender age of 13 months "being a mommy."

Also, did you know from birth baby girls have the innate ability of observation and can distinguish the slightest variance in tone. Lo can tell instantly if I don't want her to do something, just by my look. Ok, again AMAZING.

I wish I could just upload the entire chapter (chapter 4) to you because every mother and father of daughters should read it. I just laid awake last night just thinking about it (another "curse" of being a girl/woman we can't shut our brains off like men.). I just found all that scientific stuff fascinating.

I love having a little girl and watching her unfold as God designed. I often wonder what having a boy would look like, not going to lie, it scares me to death because I am not into all that rough house stuff, but it would be interesting to see the differences.

I can't wait to see what else this book teaches me. And I hope you all enjoyed your free science lesson. HA!

Editor's Note: It is 1p. God must really want me to work on understanding my little girl's emotions today since we have had 5 emotional break downs already (not tantrums, just break downs.) For example I have asked her to go play quietly (very nicely mind you) while I work on some things for my new job (more on that in a later post). She turned to me, lip out, shoulders shaking and big crocodile tears flowing. Her heart was sad and broken. God give me strength and patience in dealing with my little girl's heart.

P.S. there is a Bringing Up Boys book too, for those of you with little boys. :)


  1. Hmmm, might have to check out this book! Sweet Talia turns 6 mo. in June. Let the estrogen bath begin, apparently. :( And it stops at 30 months, eh, Dobson? I guess my older girl missed the memo about getting out of the tub. Love her though. :) Chele, Lo sounds so much like her (as we've discussed before!) But I can ask her to do something so nicely and sometimes she will cry and say I hurt her feelings. My favorite was when it was both N and I who upset her somehow and she cried, "You really hurt my feelings, fam-uh-wee!"

  2. That's interesting stuff! Thanks for sharing. I too may have to check out the one on boys.

  3. this sounds like a great book... i might just have to go pick up the one for boys! i love Dobson. btw i tagged you on my blog :)


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