
18 May 2010

Toby 2.0

You know people always said "when you have your 'real' babies you won't love your fur babies as much..." Well, skeptics, that couldn't be further from the truth. We love our first fur babies every bit as much as we love Lo. Now while the love is obviously different, it is still strong.

Today our Toby bear (aka the middle child) turns two! When we were pregnant we decided we needed to get another poodle to help ease Tucker into this transition, and while some times I question my hormone levels during that decision, we couldn't be happier. Toby adds so much joy into our home in his own little puppy way. (He is a little puppy, trapped in a slightly larger puppy's body :) ).

Toby is my lap baby (he must be on someone's lap at all times), he snuggles and cuddles me all the time...he is the pup I always wanted!

Toby loves to play with Lo and treats her so nicely no matter how she pulls, tugs, yanks and love pats.

Toby keeps Tucker entertained and on his toes. He is just like those ornery little brothers that like to antagonize their older ones. Toby is a nice compliment to Tuck's obsessiveness.

Toby has a bunch of quirky little routines. Every night he has to crawl under the covers AFTER I get into bed, which only lasts for 3 minutes and then he has to crawl annoying!

Toby always helps us clean up all the crumbs Lo leaves behind, even if that means crawling up onto the table and into her highchair. It is a tough job, but someone has to do it!

We love you Toby and we are so glad we "accidentally" ended up with you!

Happy 2nd Birthday Tobias!

1 comment:

  1. I love him too!!! I love how he thinks he owns the place and he is SO BIG!! Cute post!


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