
07 May 2010

Show Us Your Life: Baby Name Edition

This week at Kelly's Korner we are talking about our kids' names. I am always intrigued by the names people come up with and why. We live in such a world that is bound and determined to name each of our babies something different and unique and of course, we are no exception. Rather my husband is no exception. I love classic and simple names, but since Chad is a teacher and he quickly associates names with students, which results in shooting down an entire list of names in a matter of seconds. Naming Leighton wasn't easy.

Since I was a little girl I had my heart set on so many little girl names. Never any boy names, because I just assumed I would always have girls. :) I loved the name Elizabeth forever. Then Hannah, Samantha and Reghan. Reghan was 100% THE name I would name my daughter, no questions. As life would have it, a couple in our small group have a daughter named back to the drawing board.

There was another name I was DEAD set on, again no questions, don't want to hear your opinions (ahem. Chad.), but once we got pregnant and found out it was a girl Chad just would not come around. ( I am not sharing the name, due to the fact if God ever allows us the opportunity to have another baby, let alone a girl, this may be the name...because in true Chad fashion he has finally come around, slightly.) While I wanted to put my foot down and demand we name our daughter this, I just couldn't choose a name Chad wasn't 100% behind.

One evening I was flipping through our 12 channels, and heard the name Leighton (you know Leighton Meester from Gossip Girl), I threw that out there figuring he would hate it and I could go back to my original choice...Nope, he loved it! I love it when my plans backfire on me.

However, once I paired it with Olivia, I fell in love with the name too. It sounded so beautiful to me. I laid in bed that night and could completely picture my Leighton Olivia.

Part of me wishes we had some great lineage or meaning behind why we chose her name, but we don't and that is ok. We love her name and it fits her perfectly, she is our little Lo Lo girl. And for those of you who haven't figured it out yet Lo is for Leighton Olivia, Chad came up with that one too!

We do have a boys' name, but that is a secret too. If there is a next time?!? The name will be top secret, because I think that is fun. Chad wasn't up for that the first time, but this time I get to make the choice. :)

I can't wait to read about all the names everyone else chooses and why.

Wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day!


  1. I LOVE the name Leighton! I have never heard it before but its beautiful.

  2. Very cute name for a Very cute little girl! I know all about the Teacher no Both my mom and Dad are teachers so half of ours got kicked out that way too!

  3. What a sweet name for a sweet little girl!!!

  4. I absolutely love the name Leighton...especially for a little girl!! Her nickname LO is absolutely adorable as well. She is precious! Have a great weekend!!

  5. Very sweet name (I popped over from visiting rentz blog). I also like names that are no so common place.

    When I was pregnant, my husband and I were sextons for the cemetery and we mowed that lawn. While hubby trimmed I would ride that mower around and around and read tombstones. It was a very old cemetery and one name kept popping up at me: Clara. That's what we named our baby. (Although, you'll notice if you visit I call her "Blondie" on my blog. When I started it several years ago I decided to nickname all family members.) Anyway, that's the story of how we named our daughter :)

  6. So I don't know if it was because I was scared of having a girl or what... but Joe and I had a decent list of boy names and NO girl names. We didn't find out what we were having... and 2 weeks before we were due, we decided on our favorite boy name (not sharing just in case we get to use it someday :)). Still, we had no girl name! Just about a week before we were due, my Mom said, "hey - I heard a pretty girl name the other day - Avery". Joe and I looked at each other, smiled, and we both said we liked it! That was a miracle! I knew I wanted to use my mom's middle name as the middle name if we had a girl... and it worked well together - Avery Nell. Much to our surprise, we had a girl! Avery Nell it was... and I wouldn't trade her or her name for the world. :) After she was born, I looked it up and Avery means "wisdom", so that's cool - but we didn't pick it with "meaning" in mind. :) After Avery was born, people made comments about us choosing a gender-neutral name... I didn't know Avery could be a boy name and I honestly wouldn't have chosen a gender-neutral name on purpose, but oh well. :) There's our story... and btw I LOVE Leighton Olivia - such a beautiful name! :)

  7. It is a beautiful name for my beautiful sweet grandaughter. Everyone loves her name when I tell them or flash my keychain in their face! Chele, you are a great mom so hope you are having a great mother's day. I enjoyed yesterday with all of you very much. And thanks for the latest picture of Chad and Lo! It's my favorite right now but I'll probably have a new favorite one next week. Thanks for your blog!
    Love, Rachel/EG <><

  8. I LOVE the name Leighton! Such a cutie you have :-)


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