
16 December 2010

22 Months Vlog Style

You are 22 months.
In 2 short months you will be TWO!
And we will have 2 kids...ummm can you say crazy?!

Filling out Aunt Meg's Shoes!

This month I am trying something different. You are so full of life, spunk and personality I thought I would share it with the world. So here is my first Vlog "Watch Me Grow" post. A big thanks to daddy for editing it all together. We tried to keep it short, but there is oh so much more I wanted to add. I think I am going to be posting a lot more videos of all your cuteness from here on out.

So enjoy.

Leighton 22 Months Vlog from Michele Keethler on Vimeo.

Character Traits:
You have one of the most tender, sweet and sensitive hearts I have encountered. At your young age you already express empathy towards others. This is a character trait that no one can really teach or learn, you just possess it. I pray no one EVER damages this trait in you. May your heart always be tender towards others.

My favorite example.
*I am in pre-term labor (more on that later), but when I am contracting really bad and practically in tears, you will come lay down by mommy and give me kisses, even when all you want is for me to do something for or with you. It means so much to me every time I see that display of compassion towards me.

There are no words for the cuteness below.

However, you are a toddler and everything is M-I-N-E! (or Lei Leis). We are working on sharing currently, which you sort of get a least in the short term.

*I have been trying to get you to nap in your toddler bed, so I stay in there until you fall asleep. One afternoon you handed me your beloved poodle blankie and said "share." Then about 3 minutes later you took it back and said "mine." Hey it's a start. :)

I wish (and I tried my darnedest) to get you to say all the new words you are saying on the video. You are finally getting very verbal and able to say lots more things. However, part of the problem is lots of the words sound very very similar. So I am thanking myself for teaching you all these new sign languages, without them our communication would be so difficult. I rely on those signs to dictate for me what you are saying.

Miscellany/ Quirky Things:
Whenever I do something wrong {which is hardly ever ;) } you yell "Maaammmaaaa!!"

You are getting an imagination. And I love it. I am a highly imaginative person, and love to make up stories and songs. So watching you be imaginative is exciting. You play tea party with your babies, you play chef in your little kitchen {Santa, I need an upgrade ;)}, and princess castle (your little people dollhouse) and dress up.

Every night she sets up her bath time "bar."

Carrying ALL 5 of her babies

One of her tea parties with her babies.

Your new favorite song is Airplanes by B.O.B and Hayley Williams ::ahem, thanks Aunt Meg:: She will sign and say "airplane" in the car over and over until I play it. And then once it is over she insists on playing it again and again.

Story time w/ our bestie JuJu. Those two will melt your heart every time.

Well, I will leave it at that. You are my sweet little girl and I love you plain and simple.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Michele, what a treasure this will be for Olivia one day. I do hope you are having your blog printed in book form each year. I have two printed each year, one for each of our children.

    All the best for a wonderful weekend leading up to the greatest birthday celebration ever - Christmas!


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