
08 December 2010

I CAN Teach My Child

For the most part I am not that mother that goes around "teaching" her daughter everything before she turns two. I am fairly confident she will know most her colors and numbers by kindergarten and maybe could read a word or two. Fairly confident...

We like to just play.

However, I see so many cool blogs on "teaching" your kids. Then I think I should be cool like that too, and I try an idea and it fails. She has no desire to "learn" at least from me, Elmo, yes, me No! Sort of makes me sad that Super Why and Elmo (and daddy too) has pretty much taught her all she knows. ::sigh:: But I am {slowly} becoming ok with that. I guess.

Anyways, I love crafts and I can't wait until she gets more dexterous so we can do even more crafts. I saw this craft project on I can teach my child {click the link for instructions--I used foam, so it would last FOREVER ;)} and I thought we can do that, she loves tracing her hands and feet! So we did it! Yay mommy! She even glued them on herself. Yay mommy again! Minimal glue was spilled. I am feeling very proud of myself and this is the best Christmas gift she could give me, to always cherish her hands and feet for years to come.

So Proud of her craft! She couldn't wait to show daddy!!

So I guess I can teach my child...something.

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