
14 February 2011

10 Things

So my friend Kelley over at Daily Sips tagged me in this blog award! Thanks for the award, I do hope people find my blog Versatile...I do try and keep it real. :)

The game. Tell your readers 10 things about yourself that they may not know.

Game on.

1. I am a dietitian that hates to cook/bake. {Most are under the impression we are "foodies" and love to do all that stuff, so people come to me asking about cooking, sorry not my thing} I just like being healthy and helping others achieve healthy lifestyles.

2. If I could be anything, besides a SAHM and RD, I would love to do something with science. More specifically biology or genetics. Whether that be a HS biology teacher or a geneticist. Science just fascinates me and I love that I get it when so many don't. I worked hard to teach myself science {no thanks to my college professors} and think that it is the one think I could teach others.

3. I stink at teaching. Yes, I realize that is in direct contrast to the aforementioned statement, but for the most part if you don't get it, I don't know how to help you. I also find it hard to teach my daughter things. She doesn't know her colors or numbers, but hey I did get her potty trained at 18 months, so that should count for something.

4. I talk to myself. A lot. And now that my phone is randomly calling people, I fear that they will hear me. Like my littlest sister did the other day when I was singing my heart out in the car.

5. My favorite pastime is napping. Sadly, this hobby of mine gets little attention!

6. My favorite {new} snack is edamame. Mmmm, good.

7. I have read 4 books since the new year. 1.5 of those post baby! This is very impressive if I do say so myself.

8. I have to play video games every night before bed. Oh wait, that is my husband. I am having trouble coming up with 10 things.

9. If I could possess one power it would be to "orb" or teleport. Seriously, how awesome would it be to just "blink" and be somewhere else in an instant! Best power hands down.

10. I have to finish my night time snacking on salty. No, wait that is my husband again. I have to finish on sweet.

So play along. Everyone is tagged. Tell me 10 random, or not so random things I don't already know about you!

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