
24 February 2011

A Bad Mommy Day.

I am having a bad mommy day.
A day where I don't want to be a mommy currently.
I love my kids, I do, but there is no vacation day in mommyhood. Daddyhood maybe, but definitely not mommyhood.

So I do what I do best when I am down. Go blog hopping and look for anything I can find to make me feel better.
I found this HERE. God always knows what I need to hear.


  1. I was seriously thinking about you this morning and was about to ask how you were holding up. I said a pray for you as I read this. God will give you the strength to make it through today. Thinking of you sweet friend!

  2. I COMPLETELY understand what you are feeling. Hang in there...His mercies are new every morning. I say that to myself often! :)

  3. Hang in there! I'm sure everyone has those days but the quote you put is perfect! He will get you through! :)

  4. Oh, what you are feeling is so normal. Motherhood is not for sissies! God understands your weariness and is there to see you through. Blessings as you "journey on."


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