
15 February 2011

Leighton 2.0

Today my beautiful daughter you turn TWO! I have decided you may turn 3, but after that you are forbidden to age any more. ;)

I can't believe how radically my life and perspective has changed since the moment you entered this world 2 years ago. We both have grown and changed together. I love you more today then I did two years ago and that seems unimaginable. You have brought such joy and laughter, and yes a few tears and tantrums to our home, but it has been so fun to watch you come into your own and continue to figure out who you are.

We love you sweet girl. Happy Birthday!

Here is the 4-1-1 on your second year of life.

You are at such a fun age, especially now that you are talking more. You are starting to say the darnedest things. I foresee a new segment on my blog called "Things Lo says."

I love you being a little chatterbox. It is so nice to know what you want 95% of the time.

My new favorite words are: bummer, MiKA (Micah), ParD (party), YES!, ummy (yummy), pump, and nurse. I even am surprised at your short two word phrases. Please note all words are said with a Northern accent. HA!

You are rockin' it at the sign language. You pick up on signs in just seconds, which amazes me. Can't figure out colors or numbers, but this you get!

Biggest milestone by far this year is you are POTTY TRAINED! Seriously, this is so awesome, I have forgotten how much I loathe changing diapers all day. I am already on a 17 month countdown until it is Micah's turn. :)

Nicknames you have acquired this year: Grace, Bossy Bessie and bounce house on top of the ones you previously hold. Lo, Olivia, little sister, and Lo Lo girl.

Favorite activities are gymnastics, coloring/writing, reading, watching Elmo or a multitude of other shows, feeding the ducks (when it is nice out) and just running around like a crazy child.

Favorite foods are anything Italian and Mexican. Cheese and graham crackers. You love to eat and snack. We are really working on our snacking habits. Currently everyday for your snack you get carrots, raisins or cheese with milk. Like clockwork every night right before bed you request a chocolate graham cracker and milk...thank you daddy for that!

You love to play happy/sad with me. I tell you I am "sad" because you won't give me a kiss, then you do and you yell HAPPY! You really get people's emotions and are starting to show empathy for them. If you see someone on tv you will tell us whether they are happy or sad.

Whenever you see that ugly bird {aka the Jayhawk} you stick you thumb down and say "yuck." On the other hand when you see Wildcat you yell "GO-GO!"

You love to yell "ONE" at me all the time when you ask for things like watching Elmo or demanding a graham cracker. You do this because I am always firmly saying "one time or only one cracker." HA!

I love your excited face when you discover things it is so precious and genuine.

You have a love affair with all things musical. Maybe you will be the next Taylor Swift some day. You are actually starting to sing along, quiet loudly to songs and have to have a microphone and guitar in your hands whenever you are doing so.

Since bringing Micah home you mimic everything I do with him with your own dolls. If I nurse, you nurse (which is hilarious!), if I am changing diapers so are you.

You are such a little mommy with me and I love it. You are definitely a big helper around here. No jealous at all just lots of love for your brother. You love to give him toys, because you know how a newborn "needs" their toys. ;)

We have now started the "timer game." I am trying to work with you on the concept of time. So my mom suggested setting the timer in short increments. So before bed/nap I tell you, you have 10 minutes and when the beep beep goes off we must go to bed. You love to hear the beep beep and if you don't it upsets you. It is a must in our bed/nap ritual now.

Speaking of bedtime, your insist only on your daddy putting you to bed when he is home. Mommy just won't do anymore at least since Micah arrived. Makes me a bit sad, but glad you and daddy can have some needed special time everyday.

Your bedtime is around 730p and you sleep until 7ish give or take a half hour. You still struggle falling right to sleep most nights. Thus, why I am still not ready to transition you to a big girl bed, because it will equal more work for mommy and mommy is tired. Soon though.

You still wear 18m clothes, but starting to fit into 24m (tops only).
Shoes are size 5
Diaper (for naps and bed) size 3

Rough mommy stats: we go to the doctor next week.
Ht: 30.5in Dr Stats: Ht 31.75
Wt: 23# Dr. Stats: Wt: 23#
And all of your teeth have broken through!

We love you princess and can't wait to watch you grow and learn over the next year!
Happy Second Birthday!

Birth day

First Birthday

18 Months


Editor's Note: Something that should have taken me 20 minutes has taken me all day thanks to two very needy kids! HA! So sorry for any errors.


  1. I think I will have to use that timer idea, sounds great because I let bedtime slide further and further back as we get preoccupied with play and books.

    A two year old, WOW!! and a potty trained one, great job!!

  2. She's so adorable! I agree with Stephanie's comment!

  3. Happy Birthday, Lo!

    Seeing your firstborn mimic you nursing is a hilarious sight indeed!

  4. thanks for the tip! that's actually one reason I picked this sleep shirt...because it has buttons.

  5. So sweet! 2 years old already? time flies. she is so sweet and what a great big sister she makes!


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