
02 February 2011

Snowed In

I know most of the country, especially those up North, are sick of the snow, but this is our first big snow in ages! While generally speaking I loathe the snow, I am finding it quiet pleasant this time around. Probably because we haven't had it in so long, it is a welcomed surprise. Plus, watching Lo play in it {inside mind you} and listening to her squeals of delight as she watched it fall made me happy.

But I am getting a tad bit of cabin fever. So glad Chad is home to keep me entertained and help out with these two kids I am getting use to. Not sure how Target is staying in the black with us snowed in...hopefully we will meet again soon Target! ;)

Therefore, I have absolutely nothing to really post about. But that won't stop me! HA! Here is all the randomness that is going on as of late.

1. I am frantically getting Lo a 2nd birthday party put together. I decided this year it just needs to be very low key and family focused. Next year when Micah is ONE! and Lo is THREE! We will go all out for a joint party. {A nice little perk of your kids only being 4 weeks apart.}

2. Nursing woes. Have I mentioned that Micah and I struggle with nursing?! Due to his low birth weight, high bili levels, and wt loss after birth we had to switch to bottles of breast milk for a few days, this just exacerbated the problem. Have you heard how white preemie boys are the laziest?! Well, Micah fits that bill to a tee. He just wants the milk to pour down his throat and do very little work to get it. It is beyond frustrating.

Lo was an AMAZING nurser. This kid never messed around, she would latch on through my shirt when she was hungry, ;) not Micah. Yet another difference between my babies. So needless to say I never thought nursing a second baby would be so hard.

Now, all he does is fight and fight me to latch on and nurse. I really don't want to quit before the 6 week mark {just the small goal I set for myself, ultimately the goal is a whole year}, but he is really trying my patience. Plus, I don't want him burning calories fighting me. Nursing should be a rewarding and bonding experience and so far it has been anything but. Last night he actually did better, so I am praying hard that we are turning the corner?!?!

So there is the latest on Micah.

3. Speaking of nursing, these are my nursing brownies. :) they are delish and I am not ashamed to say I ate 95% of the pan all by myself. My mother always told me you need lots of fat and water to make good milk, so bring on the brownies. They are mint chocolate and I am in heaven!

When my mother had me she ate these all the time while nursing. So it has become a family "joke" that I have to have these for all my special occasions, ie birthdays, having and nursing babies, it is a must. I could care less about anything else then getting those brownies! Now if I could only get Micah to enjoy the "chocolate" milk. ;)

4. Here are some pics from our fun in{Side} with the snow. Chad and I would brave the snow for a quick minute to fill up buckets of snow for Lo to play in, where it was warm!

Now Chad is off shoveling us out, since our side of the street got the worst of it! The temp here feels like -15 or something crazy like that, what a brave man I have!

Up next laundry and snow ice jealous! :)


  1. I have been wanting to make snow ice cream...I need to figure out how to do it though!

  2. Come on Micah and do some work..your momma needs you to participate a little in breastfeeding! LB was very lazy at first too, must be a boy thing, he sometimes would just sit there latched on and not suck because he thought the milk would magically flow into his mouth! boys are funny from the start ;)

  3. 1) Those brownies look amazing. Recipe? :)

    2) Sorry to hear Micah is still fighting nursing. It's so, so hard. I cried a lot about it with both of mine. I'm proud of you for sticking with it (pumping/bottling/washing everything with two kids is a full-time job) and hope he did turn a corner.

    3) The "lazy, white, preemie boy" made me laugh. That was Ori too. Most definitely.

  4. Oh, those brownies look just like the recipe that several us make here. Yummy is the word! Sounds like you are getting the "Mom to two" figured out, now if Micah will just get the nursing figured out.

    Stay warm and enjoy the down time!

  5. Lo looks so happy with her little brother! :) I'll be praying for Micah's nursing! You're so dedicated - if anyone will stick it out and make it work, it would be you! :) I, too, would love the recipe to those brownies!! :)

  6. Good luck with nursing, hope it is getting better :) did Lo get a haircut, looks cute!


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