
16 July 2011

Micah 6 Months {Watch Me Grow}

Micah bear you are 6 months old today. We have made it half a year. I won't lie, it has been a rough six months on all of us, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I heard that country song "you're going miss this" by Trace Adkins today and while most days I am ready to get past these days, I realize one day I am going to miss your baby days and all the screaming and crying that came with it. One day it will be quiet here and I will want these days back. I love you Micah bear, you light up my life. I never knew how much I could love a little boy.

You haven't really done anything new. Still working on sitting. You would probably have mastered it by now, if we didn't have to hold you all day long just to keep you happy.
You really just seem observant rather than master big skills. So different than you sister who was on the verge of crawling by this point.

Language Skills:
Not really talking as much any more, still just coos. Wondering if you should be saying more vowel sounds by now?
24 weeks today.

We are nursing every 2, maybe 3 hours on a good day still. You are on cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The funny thing is you will oink down your real food and still want to nurse right after. Weaning should be fun seeing as you love to nurse so much.

You have had applesauce, yogurt, mango, and squash. You love it all. So glad you are a good eater.

Not really taking a bottle anymore, that lasted all of 2 weeks. :(

Well after 5.5 months you are finally sleeping through the night {aka 7+ hours}. You usually go down around 730p and wake anywhere between 230a-6a. We have recently had several 10 hour stretches as of late. I am hoping we can keep this up. This is my favorite milestone.

sleeping in the tub.

Naps are two decent ones each day with a catnap or two sprinkled in. You are a good sleeper and put yourself to sleep which is so nice. You just snuggle up with your giraffe blanket and throw your arm over you stuffed elephant and off to sleep you go.

Favorite Toy(s)/Book:
You love all the dangle toys we give you and starting to play with soft blocks. However, you spend so much time crying every time we put you on your play mat you don't do too much playing overall.

first swim

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do:
You smile a big clown smile just like your sister use to do.
Your little personality is starting to emerge.
You laugh at us and smile every.time. you spit up all over everything.
Mommy has to go into stealth mode if I want to get anything done without hearing you cry. The nanosecond you see me you burst into tears and full on screaming until you are picked up. Fun.

You are a very fussy cranky baby. You have given your daddy and I a run for our money. Nothing we do makes you happy unless we are walking/pacing around the house with you. I hate that you cry so much. I wish I knew why? Is this just who you are or is there something wrong? However, just over the last 2 days you have been much happier, so maybe we are finally turning the corner {knock on wood}. We actually could lay you down to play and you did, you didn't throw a fit because mommy walked by. You were happy and cooing. I hope this will be our new normal.

Stats/Dr Appt: Micah goes in for weekly weight checks because he still spits up a TON. He actually dropped weight two weeks ago and we are slowly gaining it back. The doc changed his meds up to prevacid and put him on singular for his serious allergies he had. I can't tell if the prevacid is working yet. Some days I think yes and other days not at all. Our doc told me at one of our recent visits that in all his 12 years of practicing that he has never had a baby this difficult to "fix." Not sure how that makes me feel yet, but good to know he realizes how difficult this is for us.

Wt: 13# 8z {July 11}
Ht: 23.75 {July 5}
Head Cir:
Diapers: Pampers Swaddlers 1-2
Clothes: 3-6mo clothes

Happy 6 Months to our Baby Boy!


  1. Six months sounds like forever ago, but feels like yesterday!! Bless your heart for taking care of a fussy baby. I imagine it is extremely trying and hopes it passes soon for you, it's got to, right?!?!

    I love your watch me grow posts, they are so fun. Ellie's form of talking right now is a bunch of aaaaghhhhs!!!! I looked back at my blog and whitney was saying ba, da, ga, goo, etc at 4.5 months.... to each their own!!

  2. six months already??? It has gone by so fast :) He is such a cutie! Love the sleeping in the tub pic! and yes I think boys just love boobs from infancy...nursing until mama nixes it ;)


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