
18 April 2012

Life As I Know It.

 Here is all the things in my life as I know it...riveting information that is for sure. ;)

So if you read MW's 15 month post, which not sure why you would unless your name is Grandma or Melissa then you would have realized we survived our first honest to God real tornado, this is no drill, get in your basements now, EF3 magnitude. Yep, pretty cool my friends, pretty cool. Actually I thought it was, Chad not so much. Seriously this guy had been killing me all day with watching channel 12 and Jay Prater until I wanted to punch someone in the face. IT was ridiculous.

By 830p Chad is darn near hyperventilating, because the tornado was on the OK/KS border. For real?! You woke me up for that?! {Yes, I was tired and could not stand watching Jay anymore! So to bed I went.} I got up and try to be the voice of reason. Which is funny  because usually that is his job! I really didn't think much would materialize anyway. But I was wrong. This EF3 tore through the south side of our old town and rip up a mobile home park. The weird thing about this twister is that for some reason it kept lifting up and down, so by the time it hit "Mayberry" it had pulled back up. I heard some say they could hear the "freight train" going over their house. Sort of scary.
Me. I just don't live in fear of that sort of thing. I know it would have sucked to have lost our house, but it is what it is and there was not one thing I could have done except huddle and pray with my loved ones when an "act of God" tears through your town. Again, God saw mercy for our city, and it lifted over us. PTL, because Andover was hit hard 20ish years ago, no one wanted to re-live that. So there you have it. By God's grace we and our community survived, a few trees didn't, but who cares about those anyway. ;)

However, it has been devastating to some communities. Boeing and Spirit were hit hard. These aircraft industries were already starting to cut numbers and re-locate some it may be sooner?! All in all there were over 80+ tornados that touched down Saturday, more than we had all last year. Crazy.

Now, if we have another night like that, I have already told Chad I am cutting the cable and sitting him down with a 6pk and a few muscle relaxers. HA! God help me, I hate storm season. The storms I like, Chad obsessing over the radar not so much.

On an important side note: It has taught me to be more prepared about what to do "next time." We made a list of things to grab {ie cash, wallet, cell, back up hardrive:), diapers/wipes, shoes, clothes, firesafe, h2o etc.} We generally have enough warning to gather these things in plenty of time, so I don't feel like I need to have the stockpiled somewhere. 
I also learned that you need a friend or family member out side of the state/local area to be your "call person" in situations like that cell towers shut down and you can't make local calls, only out of area calls. So when everyone is frantically trying to see if you are ok they just call there. So FYI Melissa you are mine. :) Ok enough storm talk I am turning into my hubby! ;) I love you babe, and I know you are just trying to protect our family and that I appreciate!!

Bored yet?!
I am staying on the cleaning bandwagon with 4 weeks to a more organized home. I even got Chad to clean the ceiling fans for me one day! HA!

My little monkey climbing. This kid knows no boundaries.

We signed back up to the Y. Oh how I have missed you my beloved YMCA. Some of you may not get it because I have seen other Y, but here in our area they are better than country clubs, with amazing equipment, pools, and activities. I am so glad to be back. We went swimming at the indoor pool today. Even MW liked it. And I have a free trial personal trainer starting next Monday! I am pumped for that just so someone can tell me what to do and motivate me to do it. I need a kick to the pants, so hard to get back into the habit, but I am committed to doing it.

Micah, two seconds after I posted his 15m post is taking his schedule and tossing it! Thanks, I love change. So I decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Starting tomorrow, he is in charge of cueing his schedule and we will just start from scratch...sounds like a fun new project. :)

And one last boring thing:

 This may not mean much to you, but Leighton drew this picture for her friend Brody and then signed her name {Lo} all by herself without anyone asking her to do it! I really was so proud and promptly confiscated said picture to keep. Sorry Brody, she will have to make you a new one. :)

Well it is date night tonight! Happy Wednesday!

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