
23 April 2012

Miscellany Monday

Ok first of all who hates the new blogger layout? Um, ME! I am barely computer literate anyway and now this. And so far I have escaped FB timeline upgrade, not sure how much longer I will be using the old school version before I get the bump, but I don't like it one bit. {This may be one of the #first world problems. HA!}

I really feel like my life is BOR-RING! This weekend's fun consisted of installing ceiling fans in the kids' rooms. Well mostly Chad did it. It was a project that was suppose to be 2 hours tops. The box even said "5 minutes" BAHAHAHA!  It took Chad 4 days just to do MW's. Now in his defense we kept running into road blocks, not having the right tools and Micah's nap/sleep schedule. It was so frustrating but in the end we got 'er done.  Yay Chad!!

I spent all day uploading scrapbook pages to order...again a project that should have taken 10 minutes to me the better part of the afternoon. I told you not computer literate. Sigh. But it is done and they should be here in a few days. This company, Persnickety Prints, is AMAZING. You should definitely check them out for photo needs. Plus, maybe it will get me motivated to get 2012 going...uh! I hate being behind.

Lo and I did managed to sneak out for a bit and watch a little friend at her gymnastic meet! It was so fun, makes me want to re-live my glory days, but then my back started aching and well glory days are officially over now. HA! Lo is so ready to start gymnastics this month and I can't wait to see her in action! MW even is learning how to do a somersault and handstand!! For real this boy is strong, just like his mommy. Every day I realize more and more I am just raising myself, so that definitely keeps my patience meter running. HA!

However, this weekend I made evah. And it was all done in my beloved crock pot. I know you are thinking that totally defeats the definition of fajitas, but jest if you like they were good and took no effort. And because I love you here is the recipe:

Crock Pot Fajitas
frozen chicken tenderloins or breast {which ever you prefer}--enough for your family-- we do 1/3 of a bag.
frozen (or fresh again what ever floats your boat) red/green bell peppers onion blend
1pkg of onion soup mix
2tsp (totally guessing here as I measure nothing and just dump) chicken bouillon

Throw everything in the crockpot and walk.away.
Cook on low 6-8 hours, high 3-4 hours
Once the chicken is cooked through and everything has been heated thoroughly (you can put ready to eat foods with raw meat as long as you cook it long and hot enough to kill any potential bacteria--fyi) shred up chicken with a fork and heap it on your tortilla.
Serve with cheese, gauc, salsa...whatever you like.

I  thought they were amazing. Let me know if you try them. :)

I guess it is good when life is low just doesn't make for anything interesting to blog about. HA!

Our days are filled with nothing more than the simple joys of playing at the park, feeding ducks and evening fun with friends. All in all life is good.


  1. Sounds lovely! I take LB to the park often or the zoo. Then we just run around the house making messes for me to clean later ;) those fajitas sound yummy!

  2. those fajitas sound really good! I'll have to try that out, we've been on a Mexican food kick over here lately :) I hate weekends that get eaten up by boring projects. They go by so fast!

  3. Stopping by from today's link up. Love your blog! Your kiddos have the cutest names & y'all look like such a fun family! Looking forward to reading more! :)



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