
04 August 2012


Ah the Summer Olympics. I love them. I love them so much I am giving up my most precious time--sleep, to stay up late and watch. Of course most of you know I was a born gymnast, one who would have loved to have worked hard and even tried to be an Olympic one. Don't get me wrong I was never at that level, mostly because it is an expensive sport to be competitive in and I just am not the kind of girl to beg my parents to do that for me. Although it was considered and I wanted to keep going very badly.

When I was 15 we transferred schools to a private Christian school. The commute was 20 minutes one way. We talked about how joining team gymnastics meant rushing out the doors at the final bell to get to practice 4 days a week. Practicing for 3 hours or more at a time. Inside I was game, bring it on. This was my passion. But I was one of 3 kids. And the oldest. My personality just won't allow me to be selfish. I couldn't do that to my sisters--deny them a "life," I couldn't ask my parents to spend all that money on fees, competitions, uniforms, etc. This may have been one of the first times I truly sought God out for an answer. I remember one particular prayer saying "God, I want this so much and I just don't know how to stop; if I am to stop gymnastics YOU are going to have to intervene."

As "luck" would have a few days later I was at youth group, for some reason I decided to stay after and play basketball with the other kids boys. Now let me clarify--I hate playing sports. I don't like to shoot baskets, hit softballs and run. Not my thing. Gymnastics yes, other sports NO thanks. So again why I was playing I will never know. The next thing I know I was just dribbling the basketball, barely even walking and POP! My ankle gave out {thanks to the many previous sprains, strains and tears in my ligaments}. I crumbled, writhing in pain of the floor, trying to hold the tears back. I knew.

The next day it was confirmed--broken. I have yet to break a bone as a gymnast doing serious gymnastics, yet I am dribbling a basketball--standing and now is the time I choose to break an ankle? Really?!

I was devastated. It took some time, but I knew this was God's intervention. My career as a gymnast over.

Why am I telling you all this? Because now all these years later I have a little girl and boy who both show great gymnastics potential. :) Micah especially, that kid has skills. So now I am living vicariously through them. Leighton loves gymnastics so much. This past week I have let her stay up late watching the women's gymnastic team compete. She was a hoot, insisting on getting into her leotard and practicing her moves with them. I loved sharing all these moments with her cuddled up on the couch cheering our Gold winning team on!

She fell asleep on me one night before it even started, but I just held her and watched.


Who knows maybe Olympics 2024 will be our year, only if the change that pesky you have to turn 16 in the Olympic year rule as she will only be 15...never know. Hey a mom can dream.

Anything in this house is game to use as an apparatus. Have you seen that commercial with Shawn Johnson? Yeah, that's our life too!


  1. I was a gymnast too! And I also made the decision not to join the traveling team bc I knew my family couldn't afford it with 5 children. Who knows we could've been competing together if God made our paths different. See we really should be best friends ;(

    1. Kelley! I didn't know that about you. I guess God knew we needed to be friends in spite of everything and allowed us to find each other through blogging! Bummer gymnastics is so expensive. :(

  2. Julie and I always wanted to take gymnastics lessons, but it was never going to happen. I would have been awful anyway. :) But we sure did love watching on TV and then using a board outside in the chicken house as our balance beam. We would take turns doing "awesome" routines. :) So fun!
    I've made S and T watch some with me, so now Sophie is flipping backwards off the couch and calling it gymnastics. And she apparently told her Sunday School teacher that she is in gymnastics. Oopsie. Note to self: Teach kids not to lie, especially at church. Ha!

    Hope you are able to get your kids in lessons and they go far! Nathan wants to have a child in the Olympics someday. He sweetly told me I have 2 more summer Olympics before I turn 40. Hurray.


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