
01 August 2012


This whole Chick-fil-a thing has just been really bugging me.
1. Because I am sick and tired of seeing only chick fil a statuses and
2. Because as a Christian I do not feel like buying a chicken sandwich today is being all that "Christian" about the issue at hand. 
As much as I wish I could be; I am just not that articulate to truly convey my thoughts and feelings about it. Thank God {literally} that this man said exactly what I was thinking but in a WAY more profound way.

Read it HERE.{PS this link takes a long time to load for some reason...or maybe it's just or slow internet. Please be patient and read you won't regret it!}

My favorite part about what he said is and I quote
“But Perry,” you say, “the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin.”  Let me put my cards on the table and say that I agree; however, for too long the church has seemed to be obsessed with the sins that we do not struggle with; after all, if I am pointing out the sins of others I don’t have to deal with my own." 

I mean WOW! Just take a second to soak that in. It is so easy to point out "planks in others eyes, while ignoring the speck in our own." Jesus sought out the "sinners." He LOVED them, He ACCEPTED them, He made them see their WORTH. He did it for me and he did it {or will do it} for YOU!

It is sad to me that this whole thing started over and interview. An interview. Did you know that or did you just let social media dictate your thoughts and opinions like it is so good at doing?! I think this card sums it up best:

So I ask you to think about why you are really buying/bought that chicken sandwich today? Are you conveying the message of Christian love or to bring out the old school youth group pharse is this "WWJD?" {what would Jesus do?}

Maybe you thought you were standing in line buying a chicken sandwich and it was saying "hey I support traditional family values and the right to say so!"
But take a look from the other side of the fence. I imagine to the homosexual community that is not the message they are receiving, but one of ill will towards them. We are just propagating the typical Christian stereotype that we are intolerant of those who aren't "perfect" like us. Look their feelings got hurt by that statement {even though I truly believe it was innocent, non-condemning and not meant to take off like the wild fire it did} they felt and injustice and what do we all do when we get our feelings hurt? We lash out and get defensive. What would it have looked like if today instead of standing in line for 3 hours for some chicken sandwich we would have done something to outreach to the homosexual community as Christians to show that this is more than waffle fries. What if we would have bought them a sandwich and said "we may support traditional family values, but it doesn't mean we can't be friends?!" Now that is a message and a campaign I could get behind.

Just some food for thought. {Pun intended}


  1. When the Mayors of Boston and Chicago said Chick-fil-a was not welcome in their city... I, as a Christian, was very bothered. Religious freedom is important, banning businesses from your cities because you don't like their beliefs is not what I want my country to look like. Do you want your mayor to have that much power?

    That's why I bought my Chicken Sandwich on Saturday, not yesterday. I don't stand in long lines well.

  2. Michele, very, very well said and I absolutely agree with you! I think the entire things was blown totally out of proportion and I do not believe that was Mike Huckaby's intention at all. May the Lord give us all the grace and wisdom to get it right before His return.


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