
24 October 2012

My 29y12m Birthday Festivites.

So I had a birthday.
And we celebrated.
Here are the memories. Sorry I am too lazy for collages today. Although, after I did this I found picmonkey again, and wow, easy peasy lemon squeezy doesn't convey how easy it is to use, not to mention free. So there you go.
Now onto the memories from my 29y12m birthday. :)

First stop QT. Whenever, my kids see a QT they start saying how "thirsty" they are. They love those slushies. They fight over them. So I keep a spare cup so we can split the ultra sugar beverage between them. O Happy Day.

Then when we got to my parents they surprised me with a trip to Brookville Hotel for lunch. It is a fried chicken, homestyle cooking place. It is yummy and something fun and different to do.
We were suppose to go to the pumpkin patch after lunch, but it rained until it poured all day. Have I mentioned we have been in a drought for o, I don't know a year, but on my birthday it decides to rain. Awesome. So we painted pumpkins, in our undies, we got from Dillons instead. Lo glitterized hers! It really is beautiful!

Here is what I think of turning 30.

But I do love me some mint chocolate chip brownies.

And apparently so does MW!

For my birthday, ok not really, but it brought me HUGE joy, I got new countertops. Woot woot! Good bye ugly green countertops, hello lovely neutral countertops! I still have painting and decorating to fix, but it is a start!

However, I saw this shirt on pinterest the other day and showed Chad, so I got one. I love it! I really hate t-shirts, but this one I like! I love that Keep Calm stuff. It says {Keep Calm and Wabash On}--it's a KState thing. ;)
I also celebrated my birthday with a birthday dinner with my MIL, but neglected to bring my camera. It was an uber long weekend spent singing 4 services at church, followed by Judgement House rehearsal and then my party. I was beat, so I would have looked terrible in the pics anyway. :)

And that is how I spent my 29y12m birthday!
The end


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the shirt too. :) Looks like a fun day.

    1. I actually think I found the KSU shirt via your pinterest page. :) HA!


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