
16 June 2013

May Round-Up

Let's play catch-up shall we...I am good about taking more photos, but organizing them and blogging them are a lost art at this point, unless it has to do with my project life that is. :) Priorities, priorities....Let's see what I can cover without boring you. :)

Memorial Day Weekend par-tay.
Our friends' have a BEAUTIFUL property and invited us and a bunch of other people over to BBQ and hang out.

They had this cute pool, only problem is I asked Lo to pack MW swim trunks...she did but apparently didn't realize they were 2-3 sizes too big! Thank goodness we live close and daddy is awesome...but I couldn't leave the night without capturing the cutest tush at the party. :)

Ah, these girls. Just chattin' it up like "old" friends. Presh.
Awesome daddy! He always hangs out with the kids and plays so mommy can talk to adults. You have no idea how refreshing that is, unless you are a mom of little people.  God bless you Chad!
I don't remember why the tears...he ate his cupcake too fast?! Who knows...really I was testing out a friend's fancier than mine DSLR. It was nice! If only I would learn how to shoot mine, maybe one day I could upgrade. :) Nah, I just want a better lens at this point!

Said friend's pictures off her camera. Awesome daddy photo #2.

And another. This captures me and my besties at best. This is totally us. HA!

Trip to the zoo. Just mommy and the kids. I love the ages my kids are, they are so independent and easy to handle on my own without losing my mind. They both were so good at the zoo, well until the end when mommy couldn't find the "baby Jaguar." {like on Deigo}. They were so mad at me. I promised in a few weeks when daddy was off school he would bring us back and help us find "baby Jaguar." Boy did they hold me to that! :)

 I am starting to trust Lo with our point and shoot I actually got in 1 picture of our trip! :)
 Checking out the map so we can find the hippos! They both chanted "ipBOs, ipBOs" over and over until we got there...weird kids.

The bear was just pacing around and around his bored. :)

Elephant training. So cool how the elephants do these tricks like dogs! HA!

Daddy at his 5th grade kickball tourney. One of their end of the year fun days!

The kids are thrilled spectators. HA!

I am an RD who works in assisted livings, therefore each May I get the pleasure of a TB test. This year, after 4 years of testing I have this HUGE reaction. I started freaking out and googling. I thought for sure I would fail it, even though I wasn't sure how?!?! Thankfully the next day I had to go to work and had a nurse there read it "early" and she told me I was fine, it was just a reaction, but not a positive result! whew!

Last day of swim lessons...Lo was doing so well. I was glad it was over though. Both kids had swim lessons back to back. Crazy me I thought it would be okay for Lo when she was done to put on her coast guard approved puddle jumper and hang out in the zero depth pool WHILE I was right over that wall with MW and WHILE 2 Lifeguards were on duty! Silly me apparently that wasn't considered safe enough!! I mean really isn't that your JOB lifeguards to keep an eye on her as she swims. I am right there, I was keeping a close enough eye on her and when I wasn't you could...weird, just thought that was in your job description to protect life...anyway, so Lo had to sit on the side of the pool bored for 30 minutes...I hated it for her.
 The only photo of MW from his swim lessons...if water wasn't involved I probably would have let Lo take our pictures...

On May 19th storms in our area turned tornadic. As in for the first time in 20 years one of our local news stations asked their meterologist to LEAVE the air and take cover! This never happens, unless their safety is in severe jeopardy. Sirens blazing at the end of nap time {praise Jesus for that!}, so we got the kids up and put their helmets on and took them to the basement. Now days it is nice that you get a time stamp on when to expect the storm so at 415p we headed to our safe room aka closet and waited.  Praise Jesus again the storm/tornado jumped us again. This happened last April too, I don't know why these tornadoes play hopscotch, but I am glad it missed us...again. Unfortunately the next day Moore, OK was not so lucky. Just heart breaking to know you could have been them just 2 days earlier! This tornado that jumped us was probably just as devastating in force, but the news reports I heard said it just had trouble maintaining contact with the ground.

Daddy really struggles with tornadoes, you can see the fear in his face as he watches the radar on our iPad.
 Me while I would be devastated to go through one, I don't fear those kinds of things--believe me I have plenty of other "crazy" anxieties, but this is not one of them. Which is good b/c I balance out his fear and he balances out my fears. Perfect match.
 And I will conclude with my awesome neighbors driveway art. Can you believe I have to live next to this?! ;) She is amazing. I am really just jealous.
So that is just SOME of the catch up....just wait for round 2. :)


  1. LOVED this post! I just hang on every word hoping to read more and more and then the blog post ends and I am sad. It is so fun to see what you are up to and read your witty comments:) Love ya!!

  2. p.s that first pic of MW was HILARIOUS and INCREDIBLY cute!! I loved it:)

    p.s.s on your last post I wanted to see the pics bigger. I clicked on them and I could barely see them. Bummer:(


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