
24 June 2013

Truck Night

After the long garage sale weekend we decided to end the night at truck night. What a neat idea to get all sorts of trucks and cars together and let the kids climb in and out. There was one little boy who's dreams came true that night. It's moments like this when I can see MW is ALL BOY! Lo loved it too and had a good time, but not like Micah did. Heavens no.

 The ambulance. One mom said "I hope you never have to ride in there." This mom said "I am sure one day we will be taking a ride in there..." Have you met my kids?!

 They were giving away free Blue Bell Ice Cream treats. Oh my word were those fruit bars to die for! YUM!!!

They even had a helicopter out there for kids to test out. All the boys climbed in and banged and tugged at the controls, then Lo climbs in; sits for her picture and climbs out "that was cool." Such a girl. :)

 Vroommmm vrooommm...I fly 'pane!

 Look at the JOY on his face! 'ONK ONK" he would shout!

 Patiently waiting for another turn!
 My 3 goofballs.
 Shoot the artilary...

 After a bit the helicopter took off! That was so exciting for the kids, and daddy!

 Watching the Helicopter

Now here's the funny part. They had all the fire, police, detective characters out to greet the kids. Lo LOVES this. And runs right up to them.
 Then there is Micah....something about costumed characters frightens the bejesus out of him. He is fine as long as they stay a certain distances away. Otherwise shear panic sets in.

What a fun night. They even do a movie under the stars, maybe in a year or two we could stay for that.


  1. Looks to me like this is "practice" time for the Emergency Responders, so when they show up, the kids already know what to do/expect !
    Wise use of taxpayer money.
    Did Micah try to climb
    up on the Fire Engine ladder?

  2. You have me rolling. MW is so darn cute saying, "I fly 'pane" and "onk onk" for the horn:) That cracks me up. BOTH my older ones hate the characters. LO is just so brave. Cute cute post!!


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