
27 June 2013


Today my parents officially, and FINALLY bid farewell to our childhood home.
Moves are funny things. They are so exciting because you are ready to begin a new chapter in your lives, but then when it comes down to it they are so hard. Not just physically, but emotionally. It is always hard to say good-bye to a previous life.

When I was growing up we moved. all.the.time. I started so many kindergartens, in my mind I have lost count. I felt like we never really settled anywhere until here. Here my parents lived for 20 years. The longest they have ever stayed put. This is where I finally grew up, although bouncing around from schools didn't stop. :) This is the only home my youngest sister Meg ever knew.

Welcome to 1413.

This home has gone through so many changes and face lifts in our 20 year stay. It was sort of "fun" to stand in each room and think about all the ways it evolved, who lived there and the memories shared.

My parent's room. This is pretty much how it always looked. My mom has a flair for the Victorian style, it looks nice, just not my thing. Love you mom! ;)

Awe Bear Country Room as it was referred to as of the last 5ish years. It originally was room to Meg, the baby. This room morphed from toddler girl room to this. Once Melissa and I married and moved out, Meg moved downstairs, so this could be the guest room for us when we came home. Meg said she used to listen to Melissa and I talk late at night at the vent. She is always a sneaky little thing.

The Living Room. Oh my word, how many paint colors have been on these walls?! Meg?! ;)
Many holidays, birthdays, banquet pictures, and rockin' babies happened here.

Family Room. Again several face lifts. This use to be where we would come together and watch tv and movies, play on the first computer I ever laid eyes on. Do you remember "Where in the World is Carmen San Deigo?" Wow. Computers have come a long way since then.

Our room. Melissa and I shared this space. Poor Melissa and I we never really had our own rooms ever. We always shared and then we went to college and shared some more and then we got married and now have to share with boys! ;) My mom never let us decorate our rooms, sometimes we could help pick out the comforter sets from a choice of 2-3 my mom narrowed down, but we never had our "own" spaces. My mother was very particular about her decorating, I was jealous of other girls who could do what they want in their rooms. Love you mom! They always looked nice, but never what I really liked.
Anyway, Melissa and I shared many secrets and dance moves in here. As I said before once we were gone Meg moved in!

Ah the Cocoa-Cola room. My dad once upon a time use to work for Pepsi and then somewhere along the line transferred to Coke. When you work for companies like that you tend to acquire vintage cola items. I guess my mom like the Coke stuff best and decided to make an entire basement/play room out of it.
Early on this was our play room, slumber party room, and dance studio. Then it became my sleeping room. I hated sharing a room that one day I just decided I would start sleeping down here. I am really weird about sleeping with people--I am easily annoyed by any breathing besides my own.  Then I left and my dad created an office down there.
I forgot the KITCHEN!!! How sad! It was lovely and my parents upgraded it just a few years ago because they thought they would die in that house. Guess not. The pull of their Mayberry grandchildren was too strong. :)

Handprints from our youth. Me {13}, Melissa {11}, and Meg. Meg would have been 4! Four, the same age as Leighton. Holy cow perspective!!

Leighton sizing up against 4yo Meg's hand. Not quite as big.

I SO wish Melissa was home and didn't live so far so she could have done this with us, but Lo filled in for you! Crazy how time changes everything.

MW checking out mommy's hand print. 

I loved this backyard. It too went through MANY re-landscapes, but it always seemed peaceful. 

Mokea with his favorite tree. I told him he needed to say good-bye to his squirrel friends he chases!
This reminded me of Father of the Bride 2 when the daughter said "did you get a picture of the tree in the back?" and the mom replied through tears "only just a roll honey." That's how today felt.

Everyone is gross, but they were busy cleaning and loading up one last load. Good-bye House!

We couldn't leave without Meg climbing her beloved tree. I wish I had pics of her when she was little climbing this to scan in and compare. But just imagine her 15 years younger and this pretty much sums it up.

My dad sweeping the street. He is so particular about leaving a nice street and curb after you mow. We teased him about this all the time. Now we have proof. :)

As we drove out to leave we passed by a few places I wanted to remember. This is where I use to work! I worked some crazy jobs, and they always taught me about life. I know a lot about homes now because I worked here. I may have only been a cashier, but I now know how to patch dry wall, minor plumbing fixes AND all the names of nuts, bolts and screws etc. Chad is always impressed by this knowledge since he currently possess none of it.

Finally my Jr. High. This was such a neat school. I liked the architecture of it. I only went there a few years before transferring to Berean. 

The End. Good-Bye Newton you were good to us!

1 comment:

  1. I am SO SAD!!!! I THANK yo for this post!! I loved that house but especially b/c I shared it with my family!!!
    p.s the wall paintings and colors look hideous without furniture in them. Good thing they sold it decorated.


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