
15 August 2009

6 Months

Today my little baby girl turns 6 months old. It is a bit bittersweet for me because she isn't a tiny little newborn anymore and that makes me a little sad especially since seems like there is about to be a bunch of new newborns soon, BUT it is so much more fun with her now! She is learning, growing, and gaining a personality everyday and I have no desire to go backwards only forwards.

Honestly, not a lot has changed this past month. She is just getting stronger and more mobile.

She is a little roly poly and rolls all over the place. She wants to crawl and starts to creep along but then the next thing you know she tips herself over and just decides rolling is way easier!

here we are working on crawling.

She sits up like a champ, I don't even feel compelled to put pillows around her in case she goes "boom." Usually, she dives forward on her own accord (probably because she saw a dog toy she wanted :) )

riding my "new" scooter from grandpa Billy.
Don't you love kids, you can spend TONS of money on all the neat and fancy "educational" toys and they want to play with the dog's toys, paper, and empty Crystal light containers. :) Just doesn't make sense, but it saves us money I suppose.

Lo thinks it is hilarious when she coughs...again why do kids find bodily functions so funny?!

She is also into blowing raspberries (or spit bubbles at you) it cracks me up when she mimics me doing it.

Bath time has become my new favorite part of the day. She can sit in the water and we can play with her toys and splash each other!! I have waited for this moment for a long time...I don't know why but kids playing in their bath is way more fun than just soaping them up!

I am obsessed with her hair! I want her to have it! :) She had so much when she was born and then it fell out and she got that baby bald spot. BUT it is starting to grow in little by little! I hope by her first birthday we will have a full I setting myself up here?! But for now we will use BOWS to camouflage! :)

My other favorite FAVORITE thing is she reaches for me (well everyone she knows and loves really) but it feels so good to have your baby know you and WANT you! It melts my heart like a Popsicle on the 4th of July! (I even love it still as we are entering into a "clingy" phase, but ask me in a month I may have a different answer! Ha!)

Eating: Well, we are officially on solids now. We only eat "meals" at dinner and "second breakfast" (as daddy likes to call it, because daddy needs a mid-morning snack too!)
And there is NOTHING we have tried that she doesn't like! This kid LOVES to eat! (I sort of already knew that deep down--I mean our bracelets of fat didn't appear because we refuse meals ;) ). She barely lets any of it escape her mouth. Peas (check) Carrots (check) Green Beans (check) Bananas (check) Applesauce (check) Oatmeal (check) Yogurt (check). Hopefully this is an indication that she won't be a picky eater like her mommy!

She also is drinking from a trainer sippy cup. And when ever you nurse or give her a bottle she likes to "Helen Keller" your face. She grabs your lips, chin, nose and whatever else she can touch as if she is trying to figure you out...

Sleeping: My least favorite question. I am fearful to tell you how she is doing. So come very close as I whisper this to you...ok, ready. She is sleeping through the night! I know right...sshhhh not to loud, I don't want her to hear us be too excited, because I am afraid she will get me for telling you! Lo goes down after her bath around 630pm (why so early? because that is what SHE decided was a good bedtime, not me I don't mess with the system, I just play along!) and sleeps until 445-530am depending and then goes back to sleep for another hour or two.
Now naps are a different story, they are still short (ie 30-40 minutes) sometimes they are restful and sometimes they are not.

Whew! That turned into a longer post than I thought! And gosh I wish I had more "everyday" pics...I shall work on that for next time...
thanks for reading! :)

And I shall close with our doctor stats.
Weight: 15# 4oz (38%)--finally thinning out a bit! Height: 24 1/4 inches (8%)---still my little shorty.

I Love you sweet baby girl and I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings!!


  1. wow - it's hard to believe she's doing all of that at 6 months!! I have to remind myself to just ENJOY my time w/ Breeson at where he is now...but it's hard not to look to the future and wish he was there! Yeah for sleeping through the night. I'm super jealous of your bath-time pic's. Hopefully someday we'll get there.
    Funny thing (or sad thing!??): Breeson weighs just about the same and is about the same height as Lo, and he's a little over 3 months younger!! Yikes.

  2. I hear you on the hair thing. Katelyn had a lot of hair when she was born and the hair on the TOP of her head fell out but she still has the back. doesn't make too much sense to me but I can't wait either for bows and barrets and stuff!

    I especially love the last 2 pictures on your post! She is growing growing growing! Don't you just love their little personalities!

  3. Your posts just make my day!! I LOVE reading about my other baby girl!! She is the cutest thing and I cannot believe how much I LOVE her!! Our two girls are going to have so much fun together and I cannot wait!
    Make me some hair bows!! I am not as "martha stewarty" as you are.


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