
25 August 2009

New Mama's Corner

Hey this is for all you new momma's out there! Sometimes in the midst of telling the world all about the great things our sweet little ones are doing we forget to share some of the things we learn along the road to motherhood that can save a new mama panic or frustrations OR simply make her feel like she is not the only way that does crazy things.
There is a blog I stumbled upon months ago called New Mama's Corner. I found it when I was googling for breastfeeding help and fell in love with her blog. It is full of all sorts of great tips and advice that I LOVE reading! We have become blogging "friends" if you will (at least I think we have) since we have never met in real life. Our daughters seem to share very similar stories and are 6 months apart exactly and they are both named Olivia! So of course we felt we had tons in common. Anyway you can read her "horror" story about blankets in cribs here. I share this because this very SAME THING happened to me a few months ago (almost verbatim, see we have bunches in common ;) ).

the poodle blanket lovey is all she is allowed to sleep with now!
only because it is barely a blanket and it can't be wrapped around her head.

I thought Lo could sleep with a blanket covering her up in her crib. I figured she might be cold. She has since birth been able to lift her head up and move it side to side. In my mind that equals they are capable of getting out from underneath a blanket and won't suffocate themselves. Now I know babies will let you know if they are in "danger" by crying, but I had had enough of the crying in the middle of the night and was going to let her cry it out. (note she was about 18 weeks at this point?!) But as I laid there waiting for her to go to sleep the cry just sounded weird and muffled...I continued to lay there, but something kept nagging me to go check on her...finally, begrudgingly, I might add, I got up to check on her. To my HORROR she had wrapped her blanket around her head like a turban so tight I can't believe she could even cry! Well, I yanked her out of that crib so fast and just held and rocked and nursed her apologizing over and over for being a "bad mommy!" SO needless to say she no longer sleeps with a blanket in her crib and will be sleeping in sleepsack this winter.
Hopefully our stories will help you avoid this panic. And if you all have stories about things you learned the hard way and want to share feel free to share them! I wish I would have told the story sooner and maybe it could have helped!

And because I like to have pics on my blog here is my sweet little angel!


  1. Michele, Thanks for the advice. I don't think I realized blankets were such a danger in cribs?? Should I have known this? I'm not a good mom who reads up on things. :(
    I should. Thanks for posting this. I currently have 2 blankets in Breeson's crib, and now that he's really moving more, I should take those out. That's so scary, I can't imagine (and hope I never have too) what that felt like. I'm glad you listened to your mommy instincts.

  2. Chele - I found that blog recently, too! I love it. :) Thanks for sharing about the blanket - Avery is still swaddled at night but when that stops I'll find other ways to keep her warm, thanks for the heads up! I bet it was so scary! As far as my header - I made it i photoshop, then saved it as a jpeg & put it in my header as a picture. I don't know if you have PS, but if you don't I could make one for you. :) You could send the pics & tell me kind of what you want. I'm no magician, but I can do simple stuff. :)

  3. Hi, I'm one of Erin's friends and have found myself frequently reading your blog so I thought I would say hello. Scarey stuff, I had my daughter on May 1 and just unswaddled her last week. I let her sleep on her tummy and I put a blanket over her. Now I'm freaked out!!

  4. Michelle,
    Thanks for sharing your story as well. As difficult as it was for me to share Olivia's story I knew I wasn't the only mom who found her precious little one tangled beneath a blanket. I had tears in my eyes as I read your nightmare as well...b/c I could feel your pain. It's horrible to imagine something terrible happening to our sweet little baby girls.

    Your blogging friend (for sure!)


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