
23 December 2010

Ho Ho Ho Drama

A friend of ours was kind enough to let us come by while he was dressed up in his Santa suit (for a school program) and let us get some Santa pics with Lo for FREE. {I can't bring myself to pay $30+ for the mall Santa}.

This is what Lo thought of Santa.
The crazy thing is the WHOLE way to our friend's house she kept saying "Santa" and "Ho Ho Ho" over and over and then when we headed to the school for the program, we followed Santa in his Infiniti G35 Sleigh and again she kept chanting "Santa" and "Ho Ho Ho," but once we came face to face with Santa it was a no go! HA! Why do kids do that?

Personally, I think the screaming Santa pics are the be truthful I was a little bummed last year she did so well. HA! I will be laughing at this picture for years.

2009 went much better.

Anxious to see what next year will bring with TWO kids.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. How funny, both of my Grandchildren, 1 yr and 2 yr olds, cried when they saw Santa. Oh, well, they outgrown it eventually. :o)

    Merry Christmas to you!


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