
09 December 2010

Nursery Re-do

Those of you "lucky" enough HA! to be my friend on facebook know a few weekends ago we re-did Lo's room and what a sob fest it was for me!

Why? Because she and her bro have to share {eventually}. We only have two bedrooms up and I don't feel comfortable putting a barely 2 year old downstairs to sleep alone. I know many do it, I just don't want to. Anyway, her room was pale pale PALE pink. I was fine leaving it as it, I mean seriously. Our society finds it socially acceptable for a girl to be dressed in blue, but heaven forbid a boy sleep in a pale pale PALE pink room! ::Gasp at the thought:: I digress. SO my husband re-painted it. I was having nothing to do with it, other than supervising and choosing the paint color. ;)

So the story goes a little something like this.

We buy a white/gray color of paint a week before because the goal was to have my little sister help. However, that didn't work out.

Thursday {Thanksgiving Day}--I am in the basement alone, at my in-laws, because Lo doesn't like Thanksgiving food either :), flipping through a home decor magazine. I see these beautiful white and black rooms with bold splashes of color. A light goes off. Why should we paint the room white? Let's do blue or green.

Friday I pick out a green that I am sure will be perfect.
Here are the BEFORE shots:

This is the Final shot of Lo's pink room.
See what I mean about the pale pale PALE can hardly tell it.

Saturday Chad paints all day. I love the color, I think it is all going to come together. We move in the furniture. And this is what we saw:

This picture really doesn't do it justice. The color is actually pretty, but with all the furniture and pink it's hideous.

AWFUL! I hated it! I nearly started crying. Ok I did. Painting Lo's room was bad enough for me and now this debacle! Chad very sweetly said "I guess I will be painting again tomorrow."

Sunday Chad painted the day away again. And it ended so much better. I loved it even more because it was WAY closer to what her room looked like initially.

Here is the "FINAL" product. I use the term loosely because
1. we still don't have his name up on the wall {and won't until after he is born}.
2. it is still going to be Lo's room for quite sometime even after he arrives. She is I am no where near ready to transition her to a big girl bed.
3. I still have some decorating to do to incorporate more blue and dialing down the pink.

My mom made her big girl quilt...isn't it lovely?!

Lo enjoying her new bed! She loves it.
I will gladly take tips on transitioning...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!! I really LOVE IT!!! You all did such a fab job!! Cannot wait to see it in person! Mom did amazing on the quilt--how precious!!


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