
20 December 2010

32 Weeks {aka Watch Mommy Grow}

How far along: 32w 1d

Baby Q 32w

Lo 31w

Total Wt Gain/Loss: +14# :/ I really should just stop looking at the scale, I find it terribly depressing...I know it's "good" and all, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Maternity Clothes:
Definitely wearing, especially pants! I love dresses and tunics, but mostly just live in sweats.

Best Moment thus far: I am really getting anxious to meet him. I am starting to wonder what he will look like, hair? no hair? who will he favor? what will his personality be like? will he be a sleeper? or colicky like Lo?

Gender: BOY!

Movement: His movements aren't as great as Lo's were. I just feel him some, enough to know that he is in fact still alive. Not sure if this is a good thing or not?! Maybe this means he will be easy going and a sleeper?!

Milestones: Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month. ~(courtesy of

Already feel him descending. He is so low in there I swear I might as well just stay in the bathroom, since he is under the impression my bladder is a squeeze toy. I honestly think I prefer rib kicks (which I don't get b/c he is so low.)

Food Cravings: Pizza, Chocolate, Soups (especially taco or tortilla), Apples and Raw Broccoli with Ranch dip. Mmmm good. Sugar cookies. (although that may be coming to an end.)

What I miss: My brain. It is official gone. Mommy brain + pregnancy brain is not a good combo! :)

Sleep: Not good. For whatever reason I am just struggling to sleep, even though I am so.very.tired. I start to fall asleep and right as I am about to drift of BAM! I wake myself up. So annoying.
On a positive note I can still {mostly} sleep on my tummy, I don't remember being able to do that at this point with Lo.

What I am looking forward to: The end. 6ish weeks and counting!!! {God willing} But while that is said, I am really just trying to enjoy being pregnant as best as I can. This is the last time for that and being a family of 3. I don't like change so there are a lot emotions going on for me right now, but I don't want to rush it.

Belly Button: Totally popped out. So embarrassing.

What I learned at my pre-natal visit: At my 29 week appt. we discussed my ever present, ever strengthening contractions. There are days and nights they get so strong and consistent that, if this was my first pregnancy I would be up in OB triage for sure, BUT because I know how bad active labor and contractions will get I stay at home and try to rest. All this to say I am now being checked now at exams. At 29 weeks, my I was thinning and softening, but no dilation.

At my 32 week appt I was sent to my OB for the duration of this pregnancy. (I had been seeing my PCP, because, well, why not). Anyway, they don't like my contractions, duh, so it is best to let her (my OB) handle it from here on out.
I was checked again, thankfully, still no dilation, but in a way it twerks me off because the strength and consistency of these contractions that I endure are doing nothing! But obviously, it is a good thing I have a stubborn cervix, just wish I didn't have to go through all this pain and have nothing happen. However, on the flip side once my body decides to get with the program, it gets with the program and I will go fast, so alas, I am happy nothing has happened yet...and my OB wants it to stay that way until at least 34 weeks after that she said they won't do much to stop it.
I am not allowed to travel for Christmas...good thing I have no where to go. HA! And I have to dial it down at the gym. Which I was already doing.
But all that to say, who the heck knows, besides God, when Baby Q will debut. I could go tomorrow, or be 2 weeks past my due date. Dilation or no it doesn't mean a darn thing, we all know stories of women who are dilated to a 4 for 3 weeks before the "go" and others who nothing seems to be happening and then BAM! They are in full on labor the next day. I just hope I don't have to endure all this for more than 5-6 more weeks however--selfish, yes, but it's the truth.

Oh and remember THIS POST {4 blood draws, 3 hours...} and how I said as an RD I was fairly confident I didn't "pass" the 3 hour?! Yeah, well guess who was right? Well, it wasn't the doctor. My OB looked at the numbers and said I borderline failed and that they would error on the side of caution. Which is what I thought from the beginning, but who am I, just a dietitian. SO I am suppose to have an appt with and endocrinologist sometime and start testing my blood sugars and watching my diet...who knows when that will be, I am already doing most of that, so whatev.

HB 132, measuring 30 weeks.

So there is all I have learned at my pre-natals over the last month. I go back in two weeks to learn more good news I am sure. :)

Symptoms: Uh, contractions. And I keep losing vision in my left eye every so often. Does that happen to anyone else while pregnant? It is so weird. I think the baby is just hitting a nerve, but still it isn't fun.

Interesting things that happened/anecdotes:
*In case some of you haven't caught on yet, Baby Q and Lo will be TWO years apart(ish). This pregnancy mirrors Lo, nearly week for week. Here is a picture of me 28 weeks pregnant with Lo in front of our tree.

28w pregnant with Lo!

Now here is one of me in the same outfit at 28 weeks in front of our tree. Do I look smaller, bigger, or the same?
Baby Q 28 weeks
I say bigger/same.

*Just hoping to make it to 36 weeks. Which incidentally is during TOC week, which I will find so funny if I go into labor then. {Sorry but inside family joke}.

*We have a name...finally, but it is still a secret so don't bother getting it out of me, my hairdresser already tried for over an hour and I STILL never caved! She ruthless I tell ya. ;)

Sorry this was so long, but I just want to remember everything as it is going on. One day someone may appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. You look AMAZING! Seriously! And I am so jealous you have only gained 14 that time with LB I was at about 40 lbs gained. I still can't believe how much I gained with him and pray that if I get pregnant again I will not have the same weight gain. But anyway, on to you and how awesome you look! You make being pregnant look so effortless! Even with all the struggles you are having. I will continue to pray for you and that the contractions will ease up so you can enjoy the final few weeks of being a family of three before God blesses you with a bigger family! Have a Merry Christmas dear


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