
18 November 2010

4 Blood draws, 3 hours, and 2--50g of Orange drink = 1 not so happy camper

Thursday was my 3 hour GTT (glucose tolerance test). I have been dreading this day since I found I had to do it 8 days ago. I put it off as long as I could. But alas, I decided it best to go in and really see if I in fact had GD (gestational diabetes) rather than just taking the diagnosis.

I had to fast for this one (too). {I had to fast for the one hour too, only because in my first pregnancy I failed the one hour and had to take the 3 hour as well}. Anyway Chad couldn't be home until the afternoon, so I hadn't eaten anything since 8pm the night before. Can you say starving?!

130p-fianlly get my fasting blood drawn. Lab tech hands me the 100g of nasty orange syrup. Except there is a huge hole in the cup and it is pouring all over us! She runs to get another cup. I sit there contemplating if I should start chugging or not, but then I was afraid she would make me drink extra, so instead I sat there watching it pour all over me and the floor. Awesome.

Tech comes back. "Sorry but we are out of 100g [orange syrup nastiness]. You will need to drink TWO of the 50gramers."
Even more awesome.

On the upside the 50g aren't so bad. More like drinking a real orange crush soda {I am use to diet soda only}. Let's just say my bladder was FULL and I spent the next hour taking potty breaks every 5 minutes!

130-200p-sit in exam room all alone staring at the ceiling trying to read a book.

200p-get a slight queasy feeling and headache. Must shut eyes.

230p- 2nd blood draw. This one leaves a big ole mark! Ouch!!

230-330p-sit in exam room all alone, staring at ceiling, listening to my ipod and laughing at all the songs my hubs surprising put on there.

330p- 3rd blood draw.

330-430p-again sit in exam room all alone, staring at the ceiling, listening to ipod and now thinking about how badly I want to eat!

430p-4th and finally blood draw, on same arm she mutilated during the 2nd blood draw. Big ouchie again!!


Except now I can't find my cell phone. I searched everywhere. Finally, I kindly ask the lab tech if could call it to find it. You know where it was? In.the.trash! That's right, I threw it away at some point during my delirium. There was no accident about it. The ONLY way for it to get in the trash was for me to put it in there. I was embarrassed when the lab tech pulled it out. I felt like such an idiot.

Anyway, overall, I actually survived this, unlike with Lo. I only got a mild headache and slightly dizzy. It did hit me pretty hard that night, I started getting a low feeling, which never feels good. I could hardly hold Lo and felt like I was going to drop her trying to get her to bed.

Thanks everyone who prayed. I really felt them and know it helped me get through this so much more easily than my previous time. I really felt God's hand in this. I think it really helped me to drink 2 50gramers than the straight 100g, I attribute that hole in the cup to God...He knew what I needed.

Now for the results. I "passed" I use that term loosely, because as an RD I know what my numbers should be and I wasn't exactly pleased, but they weren't off the charts either, just borderline.

Again thanks for the prayers!


  1. Yay! We both passed. Oh, and the test really does suck. I got really sick during mine. Ugh.

  2. I know of no one that "likes" that test. It's almost as bad as the prep for a colonoscopy. :o) But, am glad you passed and pray you will not encounter any more issues before you are due.

    Blessings to you for a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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