
17 November 2010

28 weeks {aka Watch Mommy Grow}

How far along: 27w 3d {I am posting early, because next week I go back to work for the week and won't even have energy to post anything substantial}.

This is at 27w0d.
I love how Lo is always sneaking into the pics!

28w pregnant with Lo!

Total Wt Gain/Loss: +10#
Maternity Clothes: Definitely wearing, especially pants! I love dresses and tunics, but mostly just live in sweats.

Best Moment thus far: ...sometimes I lift my shirt up and watch him squirm around in there, that always makes me smile.

I have been thinking about this verse a lot lately.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. ~Ps. 139:13-14

I also, love how Lo is understanding something about what is going on. She talks about "baby" all the time and lifts up my shirt to give him 'moochies.

Gender: BOY!
I don't think I ever shared my 20w u/s pics yet. Here he is!

Movement: His movements aren't as great as Lo's were. I just feel him some, enough to know that he is in fact still alive. Although, I have started to feel a few rib kicks. Not going to lie, I am entering the phase of movement I loathe! I hate being beat up from the inside out, I do NOT find it cute or endearing. So it looks like gone are the days of the sweet gentle movements. :(

Milestones: Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments. ~(courtesy of

Food Cravings: Pizza, Chocolate, Soups (especially taco or tortilla), Apples and Raw Broccoli with Ranch dip. Mmmm good.

What I miss: My brain. It is official gone. Mommy brain + pregnancy brain is not a good combo! :)

Sleep: Lately it has been good. I wear myself out by the end of the day I am ready to sleep! And I can still sleep on my tummy which makes for better nights.

What I am looking forward to: The end. 10ish weeks and counting!!! {God willing}

Belly Button: Completely popped out. It is so embarrassing!

What I learned at my pre-natal visit: I won't go back until 1st of Dec, b/c I went late last time, and Lo needs pt2 of her flu shot. I try to avoid going to the Dr. like the plague. Not b/c he is a bad Dr., quite the contrary, just hate going. But I do know after this next visit I start going every 2 weeks! Isn't that beyond crazy? Didn't I just tell ya all I was knocked up yesterday?!

BUT I do have my 3 hour GTT test Thur (Nov 18). I really was trying to come up with every conceivable notion to get out of it, but I am putting on my big girl panties and going. If you think of it I wouldn't snub my nose at a prayer or two. But my bet is that the way things are going in this pregnancy I come back with a big fat positive for GD {gestational diabetes}.

Symptoms: Other than the constant stream of braxton hicks contractions I get about every few days, I feel good. Oh and just plain tired again. There is so much I want and need to accomplish during nap time and the evening hours, yet I find myself taking a nap and/or going to be 20 minutes after my daughter. She goes to bed at 7p.

Interesting things that happened/anecdotes:
*I have yet to dream about our baby. Not once. Chad has had 2 or 3 dreams already. However, the other night I had a dream about him her. That's right I dreamt our baby was a GIRL. I could see her and everything. It was like I never even knew I was pregnant with a boy, it was always a girl we were/are getting. Weird huh?! I suppose you just never know until they are here although this sono pic does seem to suggest the obvious.

*I THINK, and I stress think {so family don't hound me} that we have settled on a name...I am more confident this time about it, but not so confident I am purchasing his monogram yet. Actually, I/we have it narrowed down to two choices, but I am leaning more towards one now.

I imagine there may be a whole post on the subject once he is here. :) Until then each family member has named him something and continues to call him these silly names.

*We {and by we, I mean my little sister Meg and Chad, I am just picking paint color and supervising,} are going to paint Lo's room over Thanksgiving ::tear:: to make way for the boy. I was/am against this idea, but Chad and Meg insisted, thus why I refuse to take part in the painting process, not because it is "dangerous" for a pregnant woman to paint. Lo's room is the lightest shade of pink available, I don't see the big deal, we can add splashes of blue in there...but alas, I guess I got out voted by all. :(

But I do want the room ready to go before Baby Q gets here. Lo will stay in her crib for awhile, and Baby Q will be in our room in a bassinet. But we are still going to go ahead and get Lo's toddler bed/mattress ordered and toddler quilt made, {b/c I loathe all those cutesy character quilts...I mean seriously!} and set-up. I may start transitioning her during nap times to her BIG GIRL bed, still a little nervous about the night time...

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