
29 November 2010

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Today is my first day really back at home, since last Sunday. We went to HP7 last Sunday, Thanksgiving dinner with my parents Sunday evening. Monday-Friday I worked (w/ the exception of Turkey Day, which was spent w/ my FIL). Saturday my cousin had her son's 2nd birthday party and Sunday was spent re-doing my paint color debacle. Whoa, long week!

2. When you have a newborn you always hear about how you will constantly be changing crib sheet etc, etc. However, that was never our case. But now, at 21 months I am changing more crib sheets and the bumper more times than I care to count. Seriously, I never know what I am going to get when I walk in there. She is daytime potty trained, but not night-time. However, she doesn't like being in poopy pants any more, so she takes off her pants and diaper, thus getting poop everywhere! Aggghhhh!!! I am really at a loss as to what to do, other than investing in a video monitor so I can catch her doing it before she does it.

3. As previously mentioned we painted Lo's room this weekend {well Chad did}. I will post more on the nursery later, but let's just say I had this really great idea, that turned out terrible, which resulted in a re-do on Sunday. Thanks to my wonderful husband who corrected my craziness, with out a complaint!

4. Santa already has Lo's gift in the works and I am so pumped about it. Santa already changed his mind once and now is giving the other gift as a b-day gift. HA! Anyway I think she is going to love it! Now just to make room in the play room for all these toys. ::sigh:: Ah, the joys of Christmas.

5. And finally, the best part of my weekend was getting to take a nap with my daughter in our bed. I just love snuggling with her, but she doesn't let it happen very often.

Hope you all had a happy weekend and a good Turkey Day. {Although, I don't care for Thanksgiving food AT ALL!--but I recognize I stand alone in that}

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the poop incidents at night. My niece likes to take her diaper off during the night and they now put a piece of duct tape across the front of it and she can't get it off and leaves it alone. May be worth a try, although, I must say I'm sold on the video monitor idea and don't think I could live without ours! Hope you get to feeling better!


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