
11 November 2010

21 Months

WARNING: I never intend for these to get so long, but I can't help trying to record all the things I can remember her doing at this age. If no one but Lo and I appreciates it one day then that is fine by me, so read at your own risk. :)

Twenty-one. Months. Unbelievable. I have a nearly two year old on my hands. It feels just like yesterday you were born and we were taking on the world together and figuring out this mommy/daughter/baby thing. Now we are still taking on the world, but you need me a little less and that is ok, you are growing up and I love watching you learn. I feel really honored and privileged that I get to be here witnessing all the silly, quirky, crazy things you do. I am just trying my darnedest to live IN THE MOMENT with you, because baby girl, we are about to add a BOY to this mix and life it will never be the same. Although, secretly as much as I wanted another little girl, I am SO glad you are my only little princess and you don't have to share you tiara.

Here a decent list of things you are up to (that mommy's pregnancy brain can remember):

Verbal: You are finally starting to talk more. I hear less "uh-uh-uh" {praise Jesus} and more real words about what you need and want. It is as if your verbal door has been unlocked and you are ready to tell the world everything you know.

showing mommy how to use her new cell phone.

Some of my favorites are: Spaghetti, Cinnamon, Tucker, Ummmm, ::smacks lips::, poo-poo, potty and Minnie. You say each of those words clear as a bell and it just floors us, because you can't say a lot of the simple words like cat, cow, and Toby.

she loves to feed the ducks!

I wish there was a way you could click on each word and hear her say it, poo-poo is so freaking cute, no one says it cuter. And spaghetti just cracks me up every time. Evidently, I go around saying "Ummm, ::smack my lips:: a lot because everyone says that is where you got it from, so that pretty much makes me laugh when you do it and now I catch myself doing it all the time!

You also will enter a room and just say "HI!" as happy and welcoming as any Wal-Mart greeter {actually you do a better job.}

And I have to include the story where daddy was being smart with mommy about pajama Sunday and I told you to just tell daddy to "shut it" and you did and it was hilarious. Naughty, but hilarious. Guess I need to be careful about what I tell you to "say," I don't want you to get in trouble on my account. :/

*You are able to associate and match things. Your memory is outstanding, or maybe it is because mine is so poor...hmmm. Can't hide things from you or trick you like I use to do. You recognize the KSU Wildcat and will say "go go!" You also know the ugly bird (the Jayhawk) and you will say "Meg." (That is where Meg attends college).

Some Sundays we stay home and watch our service Live online.
Lo likes to lead our worship with Lance.

*You are learning more sign language. We did this when you were young for basic needs (ie eat, milk, more, all-done), but since mommy doesn't know any other foreign language, I decided teaching you how to sign would be easiest way to learn a second language. Plus, mommy wasn't about to be out done by Elmo, who taught you the sign for banana and giraffe! Anyway, you are picking up on it phenomenally fast. {As they say kids do at this age}. Of course, cookie was the first sign you picked up on in a matter of idea why?! HA! You can do almost the whole little baby book we got from the library (~25 signs). So now I need to learn more!!

I was really impressed when you were reading another book and did the signs for the different animals, and objects with out any prompts. Or when you put on your giraffe pants and do the sign for giraffe. Crazy.

aforementioned giraffe pants.

*You love your baby doll. You named her, Baby. I named her Yellow Baby when I was your age, so your little apple doesn't fall far. (That's probably what you will call her if mommy would ever teach you your colors.) My heart could burst knowing that baby is bringing you as much joy as it did for me as a child.
why don't I have a picture of you and this beloved doll?!
here she is pre-redo

We recently had her re-done, b/c she had been loved on a little too much. This doll is from 1975ish. She has definitely had some good mommies in her life!

*You also really love your Minnie Mouse doll. I am not sure what exactly prompted your new found love affair with all things Minnie Mouse, but it is cute. My only guess is that it all started when I put your picture out of you dressed up like Minnie Mouse for Halloween last year. Ever since then you have been obsessed. You love your Minnie bib, and bowl too and get so excited to finish your cheerios and exclaim: "MINNIE!" I see a 2nd B-day party theme in your future. :)

*You love to pray. I love that if I teach you nothing else in this world (like your colors and how to count) you will love Jesus and really that is all that matters.

*You love to watch Melmo (Elmo). And since he is a better teacher than me, I go for it.

*You love to go down slides. You are fearless and brave the biggest slides there are head first!!!

*You like to dip your graham crakers in my coffee for snack time. Shhh, don't tell daddy, he thinks she is too short already. :)

*You love to look at your baby scrapbook I made you. We talk all about you as a baby. I am hoping this prepares you for your brother. I know you are going to be my good helper!

*I am fairly certain you are getting you canines (on bottom) for sure, hopefully they will be here by Christmas. Why we have our fair share of battles and problems around here, you have never had trouble teething...yet.

*You have two best friend Gracie and JuJu, they are the only ones who can keep you calm and content in Kidzone at the Y.

Speaking, of the Y you know we go MWF mornings and will say "Y" the whole way there, but then once we are there you aren't a fan...hmmm.

putting on make-up with mommy. I love our special girl times!

*Mommy does try and teach you things. I get really cool ideas from Auntie Misa, Julie, and the website I can teach my child...but you don't like those ideas and have no interest in learning from me! Oh well I guess that is what Kindergarten is for.

*You are very, very active, as I have just recently learned...I was {naively} under the impression ALL toddlers were this active! Thus, the need to be in gymnastics, which you absolutely love!

*We are trying to work on independent play. You have always been a high maintenance, help me child. {See I told you we have our fair share of issues over here. :)} You are very clingy to mommy again, and want my undivided attention pretty much 90% of your waking hours. This will have to change when your brother comes, so best to start now. I am going to try this idea about "play time" the only problem is your play room is my office area, so we shall see how this goes.

*We have been mega blessed that you have only been sick one time, thanks to patient zero, as I like to refer to my beloved niece, when she gave most of us some unknown crazy stomach bug back in April. However, a few weeks ago you ran a random fever (102-103*) for 3 days and then a day or so later you broke out in a rash, pretty sure it was Roselia. Not that it was a big deal, but that is the only other illness you have had to date in your little two years of life! PTL!
You have a bullet-proof immune system like your daddy I guess.

*Baby girl I love you. I always will, but me and your little attitude are about to embark on a journey. Parenthood is here in full force. I am not ready to be a disciplinarian or enforcer. I want us to just have a good time, but that is not good for either of us. I don't want to end up on Super Nanny some day saying "I have no idea why she acts like this?" ::insert dumb founded face:: So we enter the so-called "Terrible Twos" I am convinced {perhaps naively so} that it doesn't have to be like that as long as we establish so rules, boundaries and limitations. It really makes everyone happy when those are in place.

*And now I shall leave you with a fun fact. Olivia, did you know your name means "Elf Army?" Seriously, Elf Army...we are looking up meaning of names as we attempt to name our son, and I looked up Olivia and this is what I found! I could have sworn it meant "Peace." You know like the olive branch...So to my sweet little Elf, Mommy and Daddy love you to pieces we love the little girl you are growing up to be! Happy 21 months!

If you made it to the end, congrats! And thanks for checking in with us on another edition of Watch Me Grow. :)


  1. I made it to the end. You know Grammy LOVES to read all about her little "elf army" WOW! how appropriate. They say it's all in a name. Truly enjoy reading about my girl. ;-)

  2. I just cannot say this LOUD enough----I LOVE HER!!! She is scrumptious and sweet and funny and brilliant!! That pic at the bottom of the slide is such a Landrey face! I am actually loving that these two can look so much alike!! You are doing so many great things with her! You are such a great teacher, you really are!!


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