
16 May 2011

Micah 4 Months {Watch Me Grow}

Micah bear you are four months old! I love you to the moon and back even if you do wake me all night long. As the saying goes the days are long, but the years are short. I cherish all the moments I have with you.

*You love to blow raspberries now.

Language skills:
*You coo at us a ton.
*I have heard a few giggles from you too.

*You are nursing every.two.hours around the clock still. I am so worn out by this, especially at night. Mostly you just need to soothe yourself and evidently mommy makes the best paci.

*You will not take a bottle. I even bought new fancy breastflow bottles thinking that would help. Nope. Nada. I have tried fresh breast milk, formula everything you will not take a bottle. This is making it difficult for mommy to leave your for longer than said two hours.
*You were doing better on the spit-up front a few weeks ago, but now we are back to puking up 1/2 of all your feedings. I am sure this has nothing to do with why you want to nurse every 2 hours. ;) HA!

*I am starting to be able to put you down drowsy and you fall asleep on your own.
*However, you are the worst at sleeping. I don't know why my kids hate sleep so much!

*Because I have a boy and a girl, there are few clothes that you will share, but thought this was fun for comparison sake.
For Mother's Day you gave me the gift of sleep. Seven whole glorious hours, but I knew it was just that; a gift. Now we are back to waking every 1.5-2 hours. Yes, cue the violins. I am dying here.
*Nap times use to be decent 1-1.5 hours, now I am lucky if you do 45 minutes.
*When you are sleepy you bury your head into my shoulder. You don't want to be rocked to sleep. Sadly my babies like to just put themselves to bed, even if it means crying it out. It is a fight if I try otherwise. :(

Favorite Toy(s)/Books:
*Books: whatever you sister reads to you.
*Toys: still the play gym and bumbo.

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do:
* You will suck on anything, but a paci. You suck my shirt, your blankie, my arm, even the metal leg of the coffee table, but it is a no go on a paci AND bottle for that matter.
*Changing your diaper at night is a nightmare. You just cry and wriggle around the whole time, I hate it.

Facing forward for our walks. You seemed to like walks better now.

*You have/had really bad allergies I feel so sorry for you when you were all coughy and congested.
*Again for comparison sake here are your Winnie the Pooh Jammies. My babies look nothing alike, so weird.

*Overall, you are a happy baby for us, but you do have your moods. I think your meds need to be adjusted to ease your reflux discomfort again. We were doing so well.

Silly time with Papa

Stats: {clearly I have tiny babies}
Wt: 12# 10z (10%)
Ht: 23.5in (3%)
Head cir: 15.5in (2%)
Diapers: We have bumped up to 1-2 swaddlers.
Clothes: 0-3 months to 3 months depending on brands.

Happy Four Months Baby Bear.


  1. You are so right--your kids look nothing alike! That is so weird, now I am really wondering what Hollis will look like:)
    This round of pics I am not sure who he looks like--his hair looks so red and his facial expressions did not remind me of you or chad. I wish I could see him more!! He is so darling!! Love his sweet little face:)

  2. Aw he is so stinkin cute! LB did the same thing with using me as a paci...which I could tell you it gets better :/ but just think its only for a year, you so can do it! And eventually he will stop with the night time ones and even out more in the day when he gets solids. you can do it!

  3. 4 months, wow!! you poor thing on getting no sleep :(

  4. He's a cutie! For what it's worth, you always looked amazing at MOPS and not tired at all! ;)


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