
07 May 2011


'The ebb and flow of a mother's life is not unlike the ocean. Sometimes it is a gentle tide lingering upon a sandy beach; picturesque, mesmerizing and serene. Yet at other times vibrant, stormy - full and fierce, swirling and tugging her every which way...frothy and bubbling with strong under currents. Some days are naturally more heady or fraught with friction while others more peaceful and serene. Embrace the ebb and flow of your amazing life, the storm will dissipate and the currents will move on.... do not surrender to the swirls that would seek to pull you under but rather linger in the vastness of the ocean - in its beauty and grace. Embrace with open arms the ebb and flow of your full and amazing life.'
- kay weight

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone

I've made mistakes being a Mom, sometimes more than I'd like to admit. But I will always be there for you, to hear you, to cheer for you, to laugh or cry with you, to protect you with my life and sometimes tell you things you don't want to hear. I will love you for all eternity. No one will ever love you more than I do, because I am your Mom.

These are some of the quotes I have seen floating around blogs and facebook over the last few days and I Love each one of them.

Motherhood is hard. It isn't what I expected it to be most every day, but it is an honor and privilege I don't take lightly. My road to motherhood wasn't an incredibly easy one and the road of motherhood has not come as naturally to me as it seems for some.

Some days I look around at other moms' blogs and lives and wish I could be more like them. I wish I wanted to do all those fun teaching activities with my kids. I want to be like those "perfect" moms that seem to have it all together.

But you know what I realized? I am not them. And I am doing a pretty good job doing what I do. My kids are healthy and thriving and isn't that all we can ask for most every day?

You want to know how well you are doing as a mommy? Just stop and really watch your kids for a moment. They will tell you. Not in I love yous, but in how they act. Some days I question my true ability to be a stay at home mommy, but then I see how Lo mommy's her babies and I think she does a fantastic job caring for her baby dolls. There is only one person on this earth that taught her how to take care of her babies and that person is me! Wow. That is humbling, she watches all I do and say. She wants to be just like me. I pray I am someone worth being like. That my words and actions are Christ like.

I love my babies; they are the ones teaching me how to be a better person and mommy. They are reflection of who I am at my very core. Thank you God for these precious gifts, there is no greater job I could ever do than be their mommy.

Of course these two great women help me to be a pretty good mommy too! With all their love, support and encouragement of me. And of course, there is only one person on this earth I learned to be a mommy from.

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Cute post! And Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. That was such a sweet precious post!! YOU ARE one of the best mommies I know and I am NOT just saying that!! You have taught me a bunch about life and motherhood!!

    Micah is looking so much like you and when did he get so big!!

    I love you!! You have a beautiful spirit!!

  3. What a sweet, sweet post and yes, I'm sure you are doing a fine job as a Momma. It definitely isn't for sissies and it is no easy task, but the rewards are so worth it.

    I love your new blog design, very pretty.

    Have a wonderful week being a Mommy to those two adorable little ones!


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