
29 January 2012

Mommy Got a New Camera

My hubby surprised me the other day with a belated anniversary gift and every holiday in between, including Arbor Day, gift: A Cannon Rebel.

Hip Hooray for an awesome camera!!!!!
After sitting down and "editing" Micah's birthday I was so frustrated. While I didn't expect we could get it this quickly I am so glad we did!

Wow, what a difference. Now if I could learn how to actually use this camera, I can't imagine how good my pics will be.

My little test photo shoot of Micah on his daddy's rocking pony.
{Your welcome Grandma Rachel}

Most days instead of napping, she spends it reading to her babies.

Cute pics from my point shoot.

My little princess.

She wanted to pose with her poodle, like Micah does with his giraffe.
Lo has really been into coloring those color wonder markers.
Every night before bed Lo gets a chocolate graham cracker and stir it up {aka chocolate milk}, Micah has decided he too should get to participate in said tradition as he has taken to stealing Lo's graham cracker when she isn't looking. HA! So now he gets his own.


  1. So cute to see Micah on Dynamite!! As you know it will be on the refrigerator soon! And Leighton is quite the princess! Thanks for the great pics!! Grandma Rachel <><

  2. Well, congratulations on one "fine" camera. You will have such fun and we'll get to see some great pics I'm sure.

    Your children are precious! Enjoy the new week!


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