
03 December 2014

November Part 2.

Taking photos is savoring life intensely.
I saw that quote on pinterest loved it. Sometimes I slack on photo taking, because my house is too messy in the background or it isn't the "right" setting, the kids clothes are mis-matched --if in fact they even have pants on. HA! Or I don't want to be in the photo because I have no make-up on and 2 day old hair. However, photos capture not only a memory but emotions. And at the end of the day this is our life, messy, mis-matched and with no make-up and it's beautiful just the way it is and I want to remember our story.

Reading together. Lo is really gaining speed in her reading and is good at memorizing stories, so she loves to read to MW and MW loves to be read too.
Snow watch 2014.
There was word snow was suppose to come this day, so they set up camp at the sliding glass door to wait for it. It took 2 days but we finally got some. Must be nice to be able to get it wrong in your job routinely and still get to keep it. ;)

Yep, no coat {but snow pants!} in freezing temps. I asked him if he was cold---NOPE! He was only outside for 2 minutes trying to catch a snowflake on his tongue.
These. These are the moments I want to cherish forever. It's why I created an instagram wall and print these not quite frame worthy photos out, but still want to see them everyday photos.
Daddy is reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' somehow Chad has every word memorized, it blows me away.
Kindy craft project. It was to be a family effort so naturally Lo and mommy did all the work. I did the gluing but she did all the crafting. The only thing daddy and MW did was put their finger prints on a feather. I think it is the prettiest turkey evah.

So one day it was 70* and the next a polar vortex hit and it was 30* with even lower feels like temps. She rocks that hat. I call it the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants hat, because it fits everyone who tries it on head. We bought it for daddy one year, but she sort of took it this year for recess. She looks way cuter in it anyway.

My BFF had a her 4th baby girl and 5th child the day before my birthday. We are all in love with her. She gives us all our baby fix. Lo unfortunately do to school rarely sees baby girl, so she was excited this night when she came to our house for a visit. She sang her Jesus loves me and held her tight.

Night time reading by our pink Christmas tree.
 Found our Christmas program dress in the hand me down box. She looks adorbs.

Kindy Thanksgiving Feast.

A little mini program.

MW loves to play make believe. He can sit for minutes just playing legos, pirates, doll house, etc. Lo never did that she is more of a baby doll and artsy kind of gal. Just love to capture his imagination.
My heart. We are having some great times just me and my little buddy.

We voted!

"Helping" me fold laundry. Mostly he just loves to watch Gilmore Girls with me. He belts out the theme song every time.

Waiting. oh so patiently for the LoLoSass to come out of school. Most days we have a good 15+minutes to kill in the car line. So bring on the legos and Frozen Free fall.
This boy and his imagination.

And to conclude November we had a 5 hours gymnastic practice the day before Thanksgiving and apparently 3 hours in and they are spent! I love these girls and coaching them. I love working with all their quirky personalities and motivating them to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the new pictures! They are great!
    Rachel <><


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