
15 May 2009

3 months old!

Today my sweet little girl is 3 months old!

I just can hardly believe it has been 3 months since I was pregnant, since she came into this world and almost a year since we began this journey into parenthood. Where does the time go? I certainly don't remember my first 12 weeks of being prego going so quickly.
It is truly amazing to see how much babies develop in such short amounts of time. Really if you think about it 37-40 weeks in utero, while it seems like an ETERNITY for the mommy, it really isn't when you think of a tiny cell turning into a human...crazy! Now looking back over the last 3 months Lo has certainly changed and is learning so much each day! I am so thankful that I am here for these moments! I can't help but think how I should be going back to work now, and am so grateful I don't have to. Especially now that she is getting more interactive and fun after the LONG (yet short) 10 weeks I endured of non-stop crying, and no sleeping! So here is a HUGE HEARTFELT THANKS to my wonderful husband for allowing me to stay home just a bit longer!

Here are Lo's latest accomplishments:
*Smiling, laughing and "talking" more and more. She even tries to mimic my mouth when I sing to her!

*She loves singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and "If you are Happy and you Know it..." especially the kick your feet part, that gets her going every time.

*Loves playing in her play gym! She sits in there for quite some time just laughing and giggling to herself about who knows what!

*Biggest accomplishment this month is she rolled over from tummy to back. Of course I missed it, but she has done it a few times now. Not consistently though. She also is getting very close to going from back to tummy. She gets all the way over on her side and just about rolls over and then goes back to her back.

*I also think she is starting to watch TV!?! I leave the TV on all day for background noise and I swear she lays on her mat and watches it! Not something I am proud of! :)

*She is sits in her bumbo seat and plays with her dolly.

Here she is "multi-tasking" watching TV AND playing with her dolly!

*Lo has found her hands and is starting to use them to self-soothe! Since we still hate all things plastic (ie bottles, pacis)

*She also is starting to enjoy Johnny Jumper...still trying to figure it out though...most of the time mommy does the "jumping."

*She also seems to be "crawling" on her back. I will put her one way or place and when I come back she is not where I left her! She doesn't move far, mostly in circles...but it just a reminder those days of leaving her on her mat to play quietly will be coming to an end in a couple of months!?!

*And finally the BIGGEST praise for mommy is colic is coming to an end!!!!!!!!!!! We are starting to sleep better (ie 7-8 hours at night) and take naps (at least 1 hour long) a few times during the day! I swear as soon as I started the "War on Sleep" she gave up after two days! Or she just changed. Who knows, but I will take it!

Finally here is just a sweet pic of the cousins at their play date last Friday!

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