
15 February 2010

Leighton Olivia Year in Review

My darling daughter,
You turn ONE today! It is so hard for me to believe it has already been an entire year. I read somewhere that the first six weeks feel like a year and then after that it feels like six weeks. How true! You have been an absolute delight and have brought the greatest joy to our lives. I can not thank daddy enough for letting me stay at home with you. I would give up everything I own just so I could be here for all your firsts. Really we both have been learning lots about one another. I think now we have it all figured out and we are hitting our stride.

I am so sad that you are growing up but so happy all at the same time. I miss the "what was" but I have learned over the pass year to enjoy the right now! Tomorrow may never come. I love you so much my precious little daughter, you are growing into a beautiful little girl from the inside out. You have the sweetest and most tender heart I have experienced. I love how you love and kiss your dolls. You give everyone a kiss who asks for one. When someone is upset you pat them and I am pretty sure you are telling them "it's ok" in your own little baby language. You are even starting to be a cuddle bug in the evenings.

Over the course of the year you have collected quite a few nicknames. In our family it is a sign of endearment. Currently your nicknames are: Lo, LoLo, Little sister, Lofers, Lo Lo girl, Princess Buttercup, and Goofies (only Aunt Meg calls you that).

You started walking at the end of January and now you are really getting the hang of it. You should be running soon.
You climb the stairs like a pro, now if I could only get you to come DOWN the stairs.

You still wear a size 2 diaper. You are in size 6-9 month onesies and size 9-12 month pants.

You only have TWO teeth...a little odd since I just read babies usually have SIX teeth by their first birthday, but you little gummy smile is so cute just the same.

We have worked through some bad hair phases. I was unaware in denial about how bad your hair really was. Bows did NOT hide it well. However, we are the better for persevering through it. You now have longer and thicker locks, although we are probably about to embark on the awkward mullet phase, but once again we shall persevere!

You don't really say much. You have said "dada," "ba," "bye," and babble quite earnestly but no real words yet. I have a feeling it is all going to click one day soon and you will tell me "actually I have always had a rather extensive vocabulary...and a superlative command of syntax, I simply chose not to employ them." --Uh-uh Huh, from Little Rascals or something like that ;) So for now we rely on sign language to communicate.

You are quite content to play by yourself, which is SO nice for mommy. Your favorite toy is your toolbox sorter and you love your "Pat the Bunny" book. You are such a good helper, when you aren't "hiding" things. I can't tell you how many chapsticks daddy has lost because you "hide" them. :) You love music, Elmo's World, poodle (your blankie), and your baby doll Allie.

Story Time:
The other day your cousin Landrey was here and she tried to take your baby Allie from you. You immediately started crying and reaching for her. When you got her back you held her so tightly to keep Landrey from stealing her again. You have never reacted like that over any toy before. I knew you loved baby Allie, since she has to do everything with us such as eating cheerios with you, but I didn't realize how deep the bond was. It was very sweet.

Daddy being the great teacher he is taught you to find your feet, hands and head. Mommy hasn't been so great in that department, I like to let you explore things for yourself, but I promise to start working on all those things with you. I can tell you are smart, so I am sure you will pick up on it in no time!

You are still a fantastic eater. There is still nothing you won't eat and you are completely on table food, what we eat you eat. You especially love cheerios, puffs and cuties (the oranges). Grandpa Kevin is your new best friend since he always has cheerios in his pockets. He's silly. You have cheerios and milk for breakfast, turkey and cheese for lunch and whatever it is we are eating for dinner. You get 4 whole milk bottles during the day too. We have a snack most everyday at 430, mostly because daddy needs a snack :).

You sleep from 630p-630a, take a bottle and then sleep for another 2 hours. When you get up the first thing you have to do is greet the dogs. You call out to them in you own little way. They know they have to come in and tell you good morning. It makes me smile.
You take 2 naps, 1 is at around 1030/1100 and the other one is at around 2ish. You will nap anywhere from 30-90 minutes...I LOVE the consistency. HA! Good thing I don't schedule you, you wouldn't stick to it anyway.

Thankfully, you have never been "sick" this year. Knock on wood. You have had maybe 3 colds, but nothing unbearable and you are always a good little patient. Hopefully, we can keep it that way.

And finally the 1 year stats: You are most definitely my "little" girl!
Ht: 27 inches ~5th% (I some how left the dr. with out the sheet! :( so this is based on my growth chart I have on her).
Wt: 16# ~5th%

This has been an AMAZING year. I have cherished every second. We love you with ALL of our hearts sweet baby girl!!
Happy FIRST Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. She sure is your "little" girl. I remember when you were saying she wasn't so little; funny how things change! I can't believe she's still in a size 2 diaper!! Crazy! She's absolutely adorable and i still can't believe she's already a year old!


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