
15 February 2012

Leighton 3.0 {Watch Me Grow}

Baby Girl, can I still call you that even though you are 3 now?! Where has the time gone. I am so emotional about you turning 3 moreso than when Micah turned 1. My sweet girl you are growing up way too fast. All my life I have always wanted a daughter and I just feel so blessed that you are mine. You bring such a joy to my life I didn't know I needed. I love the way your laughter fills the room when you crack your jokes. I love how compassionate you are towards your family and friends. I just love the way you think. I just love you.

Today the Stephen Curtis Chapman song "Cinderella" was playing and as customary I stopped everything I was doing to just dance with you. I told you "please don't grow up and leave mommy." And you said, "yes, I am going to leave. Ok bye!" Ouch. But later at nap time you snuggled me up tight and said "don't leave me mommy. I am going to stay with you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. I love you so much." Tears. I love you too baby girl. I don't ever take your for granted. So I will dance with you while I can.

Here is a little Q & A with the birthday girl. I love hearing her answers, mostly because depending on the time of day you ask her they change. But hey, that is what being a girl and three is all about. Now of course if you don't have 6 minutes of your life to waste invest in watching my girl I typed up the Q & A for you to read. And at the end I included a few memories I don't want to forget about her at this age. Happy 3rd Birthday to my sweet, beautiful little girl! We love you soooo much!

Q & A

What makes you happy?
My baby JuJu

What is your favorite animal?
Mickey. He is just Mickey on his own.

What is your favorite thing to eat?

What don't you like to eat?
mmm. I moknow.

What is your favorite thing to do?
pay sipper side (slipper slide)

What is your favorite TV show?
Mickey Mouse Cub House.
No it isn't you fibber. What is it?
George (as in Curious George)

What are you really good at?
mmm. Puzzles.

Do you have a favorite movie yet?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite song?
Jesus loves me.
Soft Kitty.

Who is your best friend?

What do you and mommy do together?
Play. Go outside.
What do we do fun together?
mmm. I moknow.

What is your favorite thing to do with daddy?
Play outside!!

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite place to visit?
mmm. I moknow.

What is your favorite book?
Mickey Mouse Cub House.
Why are you fibbing again. What is it?
Mickey Mouse!
No it isn't you love George. 

What kind of birthday party are you going to have?
A George one.

What are you going to be when you grow up?
A monkey.

Mommy's Memories:

You hate to "learn." Pretty sure school will just be for social reasons and not learning. HA! I have FINALLY got you to learn a few letters:
B is for Brody!
L is for Leighton!
K is for Keethler
M is for Micah!
Y is for Yogurt!
You say them with such gusto. It took you a long time to realize each letter had a name that is wasn't K for Leighton or K for Micah Bear. Bless your heart.

You do love to read though and are great at sign language. We actually know that this is how you learn best. If you can see it in sign language you learn it. That is how you learned colors and now letters. Even if you can't verbalize the right word you always sign it correctly. It is amazing really.

You have been an uber snuggly momma's girl lately. A far cry from last year when I could just "go pound sand."

You sleep from 735/8p-645/7a. And still take (well most days) 1 afternoon nap from 1-3p at least. If you don't nap you play quietly (well mostly) in your room for 2-2.5 hours. You and MW nap at the same time. GLORIOUS!!

You had your first {and second} ear infection a week ago. Way to get the double ear infection--our motto is go big or go home. :) I actually was embarrassed to take you to the doctor as you seemed more than fine. You didn't even complain about the one ear, but glad we went now.

You have made up your own language and speak fluently to your babies. Speaking of babies, you are the best.little.momma. around.

We never had the "terrible twos!" But we seem to be having a small bout of "terrible 3's." Holy emotional roller coaster we are own. I told daddy just praise God he saw fit to only give you one daughter and one wife. :) Poor fella. Tears can come streaming down her face in a matter of milliseconds. 

You seem to be entering a scared phase. You are scared of everything all of the sudden. There was a time where you thought the snakes were going to get you! I did finally realize what bone head comment I made that started that, sometimes you just don't think as a parent. ;)

You are starting to ask more and more questions about God and Jesus. You sing tons of Bible songs, well all songs really. Recently you told me you "hated God" because of another stellar parenting comment I made. Really I rock. :) I was trying to explain to you about heaven and how we will all go live there someday when Jesus comes back. It will be our new home. The topic of moving is one that bothers her (good thing we aren't military!) She just kept saying "no, I want to stay here with you, I don't ike God!" I tried to explain I would go with her and that probably wouldn't happen for awhile (like I know when Jesus is coming back.) No go. So we are working through that.

wt: 25#
ht: 34.5 in (not even 3 feet tall yet...)

Birthday Montage:

One and Two year photo taken by the uber awesome Ginger Skillen Photography.
Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Daughter of Mine!!


  1. I love it!! I love her!! I am so THANKFUL that you are such a great momma to her and she has one of the best around to raise her up in God.

    I think she is miss smarty pants and I cannot get over how beautiful and grown up she has become.

    I love you Leighton Olivia Keethler! You are so special to me!!

    p.s Landrey LOVED her video!! She was laughing the entire time:)


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