
23 February 2012

Thoughtfulness and Applications

Last Sunday when I picked Micah up from the church nursery they told me this little tale.

A little baby girl was crying. Micah felt bad for her, so he went and got his beloved blankie and shared it with her, so she wouldn't be sad anymore.

Isn't that precious. God love that boy; the woman he ends up with will be one lucky girl. Thoughtfulness can not be taught it just is.

Applications for Micah's future wife are now being accepted until he is 25 and I choose the one he can marry. ;) So you've got time, but don't delay, I would hate to see you miss out on a great guy.


  1. Love that little boy to pieces! Grammy

  2. I nominate Ellie, and seeing as Ellie is the only applicant right now, she's in the lead!


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