
10 September 2012

This that and the other.

Just a lot of random things happening around here.

1. Box fun. Our vacuum stop sucking. {HAHA! That joke never gets olds to me. I am lame.} I so want a Dyson, but I so don't want to pay $500 for one. One day.

2. I screwed up and thought the last toddler time, aka waterpark fun, of the summer would have been last Saturday. All the other Saturdays were chilly in the morning so we never went. Both kids were SO excited the love the water...we got there and it was utter disappointment. Daddy to the rescue. He turned the tub into a pool and tears were stopped.

3. For Labor Day we made our own block party complete with our own private pool. HA! MW lifeguarded for the "little" kids. :) I heart our neighborhood and so thankful for good friends for Lo, MW and us!

4. It's no secret Lo has a hair obsession. It use to be pig tails, now we are more sophisticated and have moved on to head bands. Insert headband holder. I have seen this floating around pinterest...who needs to pin something when it looks ridiculously simple to do. Who knew you could do so much with an oatmeal container?! And since MW and I eat oatmeal like it is going out of style we had a few to spare.

Without further ado the headband holder.
1. Eat Oatmeal. 2. Find some cute fabric. I have had this fabric lying around forever. 3. Get out your handy hot glue gun. 4. I cut the fabric to wrap around perfectly, hot glued the fabric on, try not to burn your fingers. :) I have this special hot glue finger you put on to prevent said burn.
5. Once dry I rolled the other edge to make it look nice and tightly pulled the fabric around and slowly hot glued it down. 6. The edge was already even at the top, I flipped the container over hot glued the bottom and gently pressed the excess fabric to the base. 7. Viola, a headband holder. The lid comes off so you can store smaller headbands, bows or clips. Easy peasy lemony squeezy.

One happy little fashionista! Complete with cheesy, fake smile.

 And I updated my scrapbooking blog with some summer pages. Finally getting back into some of my fun projects. :)

That pretty much sums up some random happenings around here. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Gosh, lo in the tub, she never gets old--love her and that fake smile:)

    I love those headbands:) I am sure you made them. L won't wear them for long--I wish she would.


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