
06 September 2012

What I have Learned {Potty Training Diaries}

I was going to title this Boys vs. Girls, but really I am not so certain it is true except in a few instances like using his boy parts as a hose on me. That is soley all boy. :) Or now that he has discovered said part, he has to constantly make sure it's still there. :)

Micah really has been overall way easier to potty train than Leighton. {And he is that "dreaded boy" to boot. Because everyone just assured me boys were WAY harder.} Now, was he "easier" than Leighton because of  "A" how he learned or because "B" he is the 2nd go around? Dunno. Probably a combo of A and B.

With Leighton I was a major, up-tight freak case about it. Constantly wondering "why isn't she getting this...faster?"
"NOOOO! Don't....tinkle...on my...carpet." {voice trailing off} Awesome {insert defeatist attitude}

I felt like we needed to achieve perfection before I could announce to the world my awesome early potty train skills. HA!

I kept us bottled up at home never being more than a mere 3ft from the potty chair that followed us every where.

I drug her to the potty all.the.time. I fought with her to please just go.

Sounds like a really fun picture right?!

Yeah, it wasn't. So you can imagine my dread when it came time to do this again, with a boy, with a strong willed, feisty boy. When can I start this?! HA!

 It's funny because as you know with kid #2 and so on you just loosen up way more. Now I already consider myself a pretty laid back parent, unless you want to mess with my routine/structure then looks will kill, sort of. :)
And that is just what I did. I just took a way laid back approach. When I tried at 17.5 months with MW I was falling into all my same habits and it was going no where, but when I just let up control and rolled with the pee down his leg, it actually became "easy."

He didn't like the potty chair on the floor he wanted to be like "Lei Lei" and go in a real potty. Fantastic, less clean up. Roll with it.

Pee your pants at lunch. No biggie. "Feels yucky doesn't it buddy?" "ucky" "Next, time tell mommy potty potty potty." Puts on new underpants.

Have to catch tinkle in my hand to get him to stop going and rush him to the potty. Just laugh.

Get hosed because he doesn't want your assistance to "push it down." Whatever, wipe up the floor and change shirts.

Watch him think how funny it is that he has a sprinkler going and needs to stick his hand in it. Just hand him the toilet paper to "pat pat pat."

Oh now you like the potty chair on the floor and want to go poop in that instead? Ok bring on the potty chair.

Has to bring a zillion books and toys into the bathroom in order relax and go...apparently this starts early. HA!

And is he 100% yet? Nope. 50-60%? Yep. I call him potty "trained." He definitely knows what is going on, what he needs to do. He recognizes the signs and is exhibiting more than adequate motor control. Aim, not so much, but motor control yes. Now we are just moving into potty practice. He gets better with each passing week and that is all I can ask for.

Still working on telling others, right now only mommy does, and occasionally daddy or Meg. He never tells the nursery workers, that or they don't understand him or believe him-- is probably more like it. And he does stay dry a lot while we are out, but that is definitely another thing to conquer--although going in public isn't my favorite thing to do. Now I get two kids to take and keep from touching...::shudders.::

So there you have it. Early potty training for boys. It can be done. :) There may be a regression or two or 6, in Leighton's case, but I am prepare to keep the same attitude and just keep moving forward.

Below are a few things that I have had to do different with MW:

1. Need potty seat in public due to peeing on me with out it. I don't have enough hands to balance him and help him aim. :) Not a problem I experienced with Lo.

2. Just getting the tinkle in the potty is a challenge, he doesn't want assistance in aiming, nor does he want to do it since he thinks it is a sprinkler to play in. OY!

3. Toys, lots and lots of toys to hold while going.

4. Really have to encourage him to take his big business to the potty. He is just so frighten?! by it. He will say "oop" for hours, HOURS before he will finally go. And 8/10 if the potty chair is out he will just wonder over there and eventually go.

5. MW doesn't like to be over praised. All that jumping, shouting Hooray, and dancing made him nervous. He likes a simple quiet "YAY" followed by the pee pee song. Maybe someday I will sing it for you. ;)

 6. do not fear the outdoors. I don't feel the need to be locked inside next to a potty all day. That is what pull-ups are for. If he does well great, if not, it will come.

7. Underwear? What's that? Yeah, um he pretty much goes commando 80% of the day. I try to keep underwear on him, but then as soon as they are on he starts his "oop oop" thing and since he can't pull them down to go I leave them off so he can just go when he is ready. So call before you come over would ya? Thanks.
riding bare back. ;)

I am sure I will have more riveting anecdotes about this, but for now this is it. I am just pleased as punch that he is doing so well. My perspective on it definitely helping. If you have questions or want to know something ask.


  1. You make me LAUGH!! Boys bringing their toys in the bathroom starts early--hee hee.
    I am very interested in this and I love hearing your input. I am so curious to see how Monkey will do, hmmm when shall I start. In some ways I think he will be easier and others I think he is so ornery to do this. Do you think if I wait long enuf it will just happen??

  2. p.s Love that naked booty, "riding bareback"


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