
27 September 2012

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Some weeks my kids crack me up and other weeks, well they are just normal. Here are some of their latest quips.

Leighton is up and down and bouncing around her booster seat at the table. Her brother sees this and always wants to do what she does. It's the plight of the eldest. So we have conversation that goes a little something like this:

M: Lo please sit down in your booster and stop messing around.
Lo: Why mommy?
M: Because your brother always wants to do what  you are doing.
Lo: But my brother is not here.
M: Look I know this is tough, I get it I am a big sister too, but your brother sees everything you are doing and wants to mimic you. It is hard being the oldest, you never get to have any fun because you always have little eyes watching you. Mommy had to go through it too.
Lo: Mommy I don't have little eyes, I have BIG eyes.
M: Good talk Lo. Good talk. ::Sighs.::


I had left a bag of dry roasted edemames out on the desk. MW is spinning around in the office chair and stops and starts shouting "Mommies, mommies."
I am dumbstruck because he never calls me mommy, always "Mimi"
Still shouting "mommies, mommies" this time pointing.
"Oh you want edemames buddy?!"
"Yep!" Complete with lit up face. I love that face he gets when we I get what he is saying! Really I love that face in general!


Grandma Rachel was on a vacation and hit up a Disney store and found Lo and Izzy costume from Jake and the Never Land Pirates. She called and asked if she could get it for her and of course I said yes.
M: Lo, Grandma Rachel got you a surprise.
Lo: What is it?!
M: I am not telling, it is a secret.
Lo: MOM! We aren't suppose to have secrets unless it is birthday or Christmas.
M: True, but this is sort of like a birthday and Christmas type surprise.
Lo: Tell me!!
M: Nope you will just have to wait until next week when she gets back!
Lo: oh coconuts.

This conversation has occurred several times this past week. She is just so excited!


Below is a picture of Lo's dollhouse remodel. She spent 30 minutes meticulously re-arranging the dollhouse rooms and "cleaning" it. I was impressed. Then she put all the people to bed. The End.

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