
09 January 2013

A Little Girl's Prayer Answered.

I love my "Kids Say The Darndest Thing" series and recording all the random things that come out of their mouths. But then there are moments like these that I just can't bear to forget...

Sometimes people feel like God is "too busy" for all our everyday request and concerns. I am guilty of thinking that desire or "need" I have is to piddly for God to have to deal with, so don't burden Him with your non-sense request.
This is not true. God wants to be involved in our everyday and mundane.

A few weeks ago Lo and I attended my sister's dance recital. Lo just had to bring her stuffed elephant along with the elephant's paci to the recital. I very clearly told her she was responsible for that AND if it got lost that was on her.

"I know Mommy! I can do it!"

Fast forward to walking back to the car. As soon as we get through campus and in the car Lo lets out a horrifying shriek that the paci is gone! (Mind you the paci was on a clip hooked to the elephant, so how it came off I don't know).

I calmly situated her in her carseat and said we would try and drive the path we came and see if it was lying on the sidewalk somewhere.

She is in complete hysterics.
I drive trying to see in the dusk of night. I can't see anything.
I explained it was gone.

Boo-hooing is not even remotely adequate to describe the level of grief she was experiencing. You would have thought she lost the actual doll itself or worse me!
Now normally in these situations I am irritated and not calming. But for some reason I just heard her pain and could relate. I lose stuff all.the.time. I get so angry when I do. So I let her grieve.

She kept hoping someone would find it and get it back to her...I said there was no way that would happen. Honey, it's gone. Our only hope is if Auntie Meg, happens to see it on her walk to her car, but that was unlikely because she didn't know to look for it. {per usual my cell was dead therefore no communication could be had about said paci/clip}

I kept rubbing her leg on the drive home, explaining how sad/mad I get when these things happen and it was ok to cry. I calmly explained that is why we need to be careful with our stuff. I tried to learn where she last saw the paci, which was on the way to the car. She just kept saying how careful she was.

My heart was breaking for her. I just kept silently praying. "Dear Jesus, if there is a way." But then I would quickly realize there most likely wasn't "a way." So I would pray "please help me to help her cope, it is just a toy,  sometimes we need to learn to deal with disappointment, but...if only there was a way."
I was so torn and back and forth.

We finally arrive home. I have vocal team practice to get too. I quickly race around to her door to unbuckle her. As I flip open the door lying RIGHT next to her was that paci/clip. Right next to her!!

Now guys, let me pause to say, I believe in Jesus, I believe HE can do anything, BUT I also recognize He is not going to intervene every time for His reasons that sometimes we don't understand. But I was NOT expecting this. You can call me crazy, you can come up with "logical" reasons BUT nothing, NOTHING will make me believe any different. Jesus put that paci there. He heard a little girls grief and my mother's praying heart and ANSWERED.

That paci was NOT there when I buckled her in. I would have seen it. As it was laying as plain as day right beside her when we got home. I know she was in boo hoo mode, but she should have found it as she was screaming and crying out about it.

The second we found it, I cried out "Thank you Jesus!" And I had her pray a thank you as well. She was upset by the whole thing that it took nearly another 30 minutes to truly calm down. Chad thought she had been severely injured when I carried her in, that is the level of crying I was dealing with.

Later when I asked her about it, she said "Jesus put that there for me." {I told her nothing of my notions of the miracle, that was all her.} I said "yes He did baby.God loves you very much and I want you to know that He cares about your BIG needs and your Little ones. We serve a wonderful God."
"I know mommy."


  1. What a special story! He is right beside us!
    Love you all, Grandma Rachel <><

  2. That story is a keeper for sure and a AMAZING lesson about prayer and faith!! I say this all the time to Kreg, I will NEVER ceased to be amazed by our caring heavenly father. What an encouraging lesson to us adults too!! Love that little girl and you did GREAT at handling the situation.

  3. What a faith builder! Nathan recently misplaced his wedding ring and was really upset about it. He kept asking the girls if they had seen it in the bathroom. He looked under beds. He searched through trash and took the sink apart a little bit. It was just gone! I looked everywhere too but no luck. We both prayed about it and I know his mom did too. Then that night we were watching tv and he all of a sudden held up his left hand with his ring on it! He had just looked down and it was next to him on the cushion. NO IDEA how it got there! He said he felt so loved. :) It was awesome!


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