
13 August 2008

Dr Appts and Insurance Headaches

Where to begin, I guess the beginning. These last few days have been a nightmare in regards to getting an OB! The whole thing has been terribly stressful for me. I had an OB/GYN who I adored but practices 30 minutes away (which isn't the end of the world) but the downside is she would only deliver in my hometown. (which is not where I currently reside!) So I have been frustrated and stressed trying to figure out what to do?! My mom recently had an appointment with current OB/GYN and asked her to recommend several good names for me; which she did, stating she would send her own family to see them. This made me feel better and I decided to go see her recommendation, Dr. Kindle. I felt good about it and at peace for the first time in awhile.

On Tuesday morning I get up and call Dr. K's office to set up my first OB appt. I knew I needed a referral, but wanted to get it set up before I called my PCP to get the referral...this is when all hell breaks loose. I call my PCP and they inform me that they only refer to OBs in THEIR practice and not outside of it. GREAT!!! They are all men (which I prefer not to have!) and on top of that I am just being forced onto an OB...that makes me feel safe. For crying out loud this is my body and my baby and I want to have the right to choose!!! While the nurse and my PCP were very nice about it their hands were tied by this LARGE, TOO BIG FOR THEIR BRITCHES PRACTICE! My Dr {PCP} even called to see if he could use the loop hole that I wanted/needed a female OB...NOPE!  I really appreciate all his efforts. He is the best PCP I have ever had...I have never seen a Dr. go to bat like that for a patient! And even call me personally to talk about it. So anyway my only solution....get a new PCP who will refer me out to Dr. K's office! So I am in the middle of that process. Once I make the change it won't be effective until Sept 1st. I am hoping that my new/old PCP (because I have used him before) won't request to see me before referring me out to Dr. K's office!! Here's hoping...

Plus, school is getting ready to start for me and that is stressful enough without all this dr/insurance business giving me a headache. I just wish that when I discussed OBs with my current PCP that he would have been more clear about their policy so I could have switched everything around this summer while I was still off. Oh well, such is life. Who knew something so simply could become so complicated. But on a happier note I am 12 weeks pregnant tomorrow!!! Last week of first trimester here I come! Woot! Woot!

12 weeks.

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