Not a whole lot at this point...other than being able to tell everyone and not keep it as a secret anymore!
The strangest advice I've received is:
Not really strange but would have never thought of it. Using a rubber band on your pants to hold them up when you can't button them anymore!
Names that I've been thinking of:
Not telling yet!
Girl or boy? I think you will be a:
I think it will be a girl, but almost everyone else says they think it will be a boy! I don't care as long as it is healthy!!!
The old wives tales predict:
That a fast heartbeat=girl! Which our baby's heart was beating 170-184bpm!
At my prenatal visit this month I found out that:
My current PCP couldn't let me have the OB I wanted so now I have to switch PCP again! So frustrating!
My hopes:
I am really just hoping for a smooth sailing pregnancy!

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