
19 August 2008

Hoping for the best!

So after my last entry about the whole PCP/OB mess...I have decided to let it go (well a bit). I contacted my new PCP's office today and she said she would talk with the doctor since I have already had all the appropriate tests and my records should be on the way if I could just be referred! Please pray that that happens! It would just make my life and stress level so much better.

But if I am forced to go in I guess there is nothing I can do about it, I did all I could to make the situation better and that is all I can do. I fear mostly that my internship people will look down on me or something because I am pregnant and have to go to all these appointments. Sometimes these internships do turn into jobs...but I have decided if they are going to be rude about it (which they may be very understanding, I just don't know...I have heard stories about their low tolerance for interns having "lives") then I wouldn't want to work for people like that anyway! All I can do is take it one day at a time and remember that this IS A JOYOUS situation/occasion and I don't want it to be tainted by unnecessary worry.
Now of course this is a lot easier for me to say than to do, but I am doing my best and taking it one day at a time. As my hubby always says: "How do you eat an elephant?" "ONE BITE AT A TIME!" So that is what I am going to keep telling myself! HA! Such a funny guy, my husband.

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