
15 April 2010

14 Months

Awhile back on Kelly's Korner she was doing a 14 month update on her daughter. She said she promised when Harper was 10 she wouldn't be doing a "125 months old" post. I had to laugh b/c I feel the same way, but they are just so busy and ever changing that I just don't want to forget anything. Let's face it this mommy brain is B-A-D! So once again Lo Lo sister this is what you are up to this month.
note: I am just throwing in a smattering of cute Lo Lo pics, that have absolutely nothing to do with what I am saying.

*You are finally saying "ma-ma," you don't seem to really mean it yet, but it is progress in the right direction! :) Other than that still babbling and whining away.
*You now know your head, feet and belly button. However, when we asked you where your belly button is you feel the need to lift mommy's shirt up to show everyone. Awesome. ;)
*You are starting to sing and hum. It is pretty cute. So ummm, Jendy how young do we start voice lessons?! ;) (Jendy, thinks I am kidding but I am not, if she could sing like Jendy I would be one happy momma!)

*You are starting to run instead of walk.
*You made up your own signs for "sleep" and "brush my teeth." She has been doing this for awhile, but I forgot (shocking, I know!) to record it. I will definitely take any form of communication OVER whining any day!

This is our newest favorite person, daddy!
She just lights up when ever he comes home, it makes him very happy.

*Your two front top teeth popped through mid-March. Not to make you all jealous, but let's face it you all made me jealous w/ your sleeping through the night babies, but Lo is the best teether ever so far. You don't even know she is getting teeth until they pop through. I pray that continues.
*You eat, but you are starting to get picky about it. Things you use to oink down, you question. I think for the first time ever you are actually tasting the food instead of inhaling it and swallowing it whole. Perhaps you realize, no one wants your food and you can eat it at a leisurely pace. :)
*You also go to your high chair when you are ready to eat. Mommy use to do this when she was young. Of course, I climbed my high chair, thus one afternoon resulting in a broken leg. :(

We spent a bunch of time at Aunt Misa's house helping them pack...Lo wanted to go too, since she fit perfectly in this box, but I told her I would miss her too much! We will just go visit. :)
*You sleep awesome. You still take 2 maybe 3 naps a day just depends on how long the naps were.

*You are finally letting daddy and I rock you a little bit before naps or bed. I have only waited for this moment for oh... 13.5 MONTHS!
*You also give me these BIG, sweet, cuddly hugs after your nap. I makes my heart so happy.
Favorite Toy/book(s):
*You are into drums lately. You got a new drum for your birthday and love to bang on that OR daddy's rock band drums.
*You also really love your necklaces you got from grammy for Easter.

Ancedotes/Quirky things you do:
*You absolutely LOVE it outside. After lunch every day you go and get your hat and whine "ask" to go outside. You just play and play on our deck.

*You also are into jewelry and clothes. You go around digging clothes out of the laundry to "put on."

*We also all got our first "flu" of the season, yours was the first time you have ever been sick. The only good thing to come of it was you are now super cuddly.

*The church nursery is finally moving you on up! After 14 months you finally get to join the other toddlers. (not b/c you couldn't, they just didn't want to give you up...they joked they were going to graduate too! :) We just love our church and how much they invest and love on everyone's kids!)

Evidently Lo is a boy magent for my yonger sister Meg. How many numbers did you get off my daughter Meg?! :)
Thanks to going to the doc TWICE over this "flu" crap I now know she weighs 16# 9oz! Yea, for 1/2 a pound wt gain in who knows how long. She threw a tantrum refused to lay down and get her ht, so we will find that out next month...I know you are all just on pins and needles about it, but it keeps you coming back. ;)

Finally, one last parting story:
On Monday we took the dogs to the groomers. When the vet lady came out to take T & T back to be groomed Leighton started screaming and crying that the boys were not coming home with us! She was just so upset and distraught. I guess she loves them more than I realized. Lucky for them, because some days I contemplate putting them up for adoption. :)

Well, thanks for enduring yet another monthly update. See ya next month!

1 comment:

  1. too cute! i love reading about what babies/toddlers are doing at each stage and its such a great way to preserve the memory for you and her so i say do it as long as you want...its your blog :) hope you all get to enjoy this beautiful weather we are suppose to have all weekend, although it sounds like you are getting outside plenty these days!


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