
15 August 2011

Leighton Olivia 2.5 {Watch Me Grow}

My baby girl is 2.5 today. I love her. I love all the things she comes up with to do and say. So I decided I would let her tell you all about herself this time.

Interview with a toddler:
What is your favorite color? Blue {yesterday is was orange and the day before pink.}

What is your favorite toy? Bean tub. {Mommy HATES sensory tubs and wants to destroy it, but it really is her favorite toy.}

What is your favorite show? Monkey Show {aka Curious George}

What is your favorite thing to do? pay outside, chalk.

What is your favorite food? gold fish, apples, taco soup, bagel snack.

What is your favorite book? Monkey book {aka Curious George}

Two and Half Year Pics {taken by mommy}

Things Mommy wants to remember about this age:
1. Dressing herself (24m)
2. First song to sing Happy Birthday (24m)-Loves to sing, the church nursery says she is their best singer...I can only imagine.
3. Does the whole potty business by herself!! Potty, wipe, pull up pants (all be it inside out and backwards) but I will take it! (24m)
4. First real sentence : Yes, I do.
5. Sleeps in her big girl bed {June 2011}
6. Oh the drama. I see an Emmy in your future.
7. Tells actual jokes.
8. Can tell a {very fragmented} story in chronological order. {provided you were privy to the story she is telling you can fully understand it. HA!}
9. Knows her FULL name and the city we live in.
10. Learned her first memory verse: Ephesians 4:32 about kindness.

Ht: 32in
Wt: 23.5#
Shoes: 5-6
Clothes: 18m-24m/2T
Diapers: size 4 {just a night}

Baby Girl we love you, you most definitely are our sunshine.
Happy 2.5 day!

18 Months {August 15, 2010}

1 comment:

  1. Happy two and a half year birthday, Lo! Great blog mom! She is an amazing little girl! Love from Grandma Roaches!


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