
26 August 2011

Weekend +Randoms

Technically this all happened last weekend and I am just now getting around to it.

On Saturday evening we had our first real NFL fantasy draft party. This is our second year playing and I think it is fun. Of course, I don't really do anything, Chad manages both teams because let's face it I know nothing. But it makes watching all those games Thurs through Monday more fun when you can root someone on!

Chad making sure we get the best players.

Chad and I went to our first date movie {Sunday matinee} since Micah was born 7.5 months ago. Wow. I miss going to movies big time. We saw Crazy Stupid Love. And I thought it was phenomenal and well worth the ticket price. I love walking away from a well done movie that makes you feel good, but stays true to life. Go see it.

Now as for Micah. He is so much more fun and happier as of late. I have no idea if the no dairy thing even matters at this point, but I refuse to give into dairy just on the off chance it is the problem. I have opened myself up to eating most foods again and not being so rigorous about it and I plan to slowly add back in the obvious sources over the next several months. I have also given up my beloved PB. I eat PB for lunch. When I cut that out I also noticed an improvement?! Maybe just maybe that is the allergy?! {We didn't get him tested for that because it was such a struggle just to get enough blood for the dairy test.} Of course I pray it isn't because a peanut allergy is NEVER out grown. Who knows everything could just be coincidental too. He still spits up a ton, but I feel that is more related to a loosey gooesy tummy sphincter than an intolerance {to dairy?!} or allergy {to peanuts?!} Either way I am just beyond grateful to have a happy baby for once and if giving up PB and dairy equals that then I am more than obliged, this may be a good thing for me. HA! Now if we could just get him to sleep through the night we would be golden...

See the doorstop? That is seriously MW's favorite toy. Sit him down in front of it and he plays for quite sometime! BOING!!!! Cracks me up every.time.

Mommy School. I am trying to be more intentional with Lo and teaching her things. I am not going full on pre-K with her or even lesson planning, I wouldn't even know where to start, but I am trying to make more of an effort during Micah's morning nap to sit down and go over letters, numbers, colors, sign language, or just reading to her. I am more about learning through play than structure. We call it Mommy School. She really just loves it when I come up with crafts for her to do.

She loves to wear her backpack around and go to "kin-garden"

We are currently working on a bird feeder for our backyard.
We have lots of pretty birds back there, so she wants to feed them.

Boring yes, but that is what is going on in our lives. Sometime {sooner rather than later} I want to do a week in the life. Just to remember how my days went with two littles.

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