
14 November 2011

Nothing of Importance {Read at your own risk}

I feel like I just need to write.
I have a bazillon things swimming around in my head and I hardly know which way is up.
I am struggling with the whole "be Still and know I am God." I want to be still God, I just can't! It's a disease. This Sunday at church we finished up our sermon series on end times. It was amazing. I love how our pastor can bring it. He spoke about Heaven. How often do we think that here on Earth is better than Heaven? Guilty. But after days on end of this busy season, I am so ready for Jesus' return. Can you imagine a life of peace?! Yeah, me neither. I am ready though. Are you?

Adding to this hustle bustle time is the hustle bustle of Christmas knocking at our doors. I may be one of the few that hates Christmas. I love the "reason for the season" {Jesus being sent here on a rescue mission to save our souls}, but we get so far away from that; constantly worrying about what sweater to buy mom. However, it is hard not to love a time that brings pure joy and excitement to your child's face. This is a magical year for Lo. She is old enough to understand Christmas, yet young enough to enjoy the magic that accompanies it. I just want to teach her about giving back to others. Last weekend she helped me pick out things for our Operation Christmas Child Box, our MOPs group was doing. I was proud of her for not asking for things for herself, but rather trying to help me.
Oh, and in case you didn't know Christmas is 6 weeks away and 9 weeks from now my baby bear turns the big ONE! Already stressing about his First Birthday party, not to mention Lo's birthday is mere weeks after that!

Up next on this crazy thought train is my pig pen of a house! I mean seriously. I want to clean it but as I found so amusing on pinterest the other day:

Pretty much sums it up. Not to mention even if I attempt cleaning someone ::ahem Micah:: needs me to hold him, or Lo falls down and gets hurt for the millionth time that day. Ah a mother's work.

And of course then there is pinterest showing me what a complete failure I am at doing and accomplishing anything during the day. What lovely ideas and perfect homes these people have, but I guess I live in the real world. {On a side note though I have done a few of the ideas which is probably why I keep going back for more.}

Finally, I am weaning Micah. I am so ready, but then every time I go to pull the plug I find myself nursing him "one more time." This is making me a hormonal nut case all by itself. True story weaning can cause severe mood swings. Look it up.

Well, I can see this quick 10 minute post has derailed. And you all are probably now dumber for reading. But it felt good to get off my chest and my head hurts just a bit less. :)


  1. LOL! You totally crack me up. I got every. single. word. that you typed! Our house is constant clutter in one room or another. Wade went on a rampage about all brightly colored plastic toys that have become part of our decorating. (it's even better than it's been in 9 months since we no longer have the swing up, the bouncer, the papasan, etc.) And we discussed last week at our Bible study how we (I) are always wanting to upgrade and watch HGTV all day long. I expressed how I can't wait until the girls are teens and I can have an organized Pottery Barn esqe home, but have to reel myself in that this is only a phase in life and to enjoy it while it lasts.

    And I get the crazy hormones and "one last time" i went a little nutso going from from pumpings to four, but so far I doing good going from 4 to 3. And just yesterday morning at 4:30 i was too lazy to get a bottle so i nursed "one last time" (probably for real though)

    I laugh at how your thoughts are always the same ones floating around in my brain.

  2. Seriously, just last night we were talking about slowing at House Church. Based on the verse "Be still and know that I am God" I think the biggest thing I am learning is to savor the moment to not get so caught up in the next thing that I miss the little things happening today and right now.

    One of the "exercises" we talked about was right when you get up in the morning before you even get out of bed to take a minute to pray to God and set your 3 biggest worries for the day before Him right then. Then when you think about those things during the day go back to when you gave them to God. Allow Him to help you through them and give you the wisdom on how to complete task yet savor what is happening.

    Hope that makes sense :)


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