
09 November 2011

What If

I saw this over at Extraordinary Love and thought it looked like fun. I have so many things I want to blog about, but then I don't. I want something fun to do. So here it goes:

What if I were to get pregnant?
I would just freakin' die. Pretty sure this is now a medical impossibility for us, but let's just say God over ruled that. Again I would die, I would have to be committed for sure. The very thought of one more pregnancy and baby makes my skin crawl. I know it's dramatic, I love my kids but NO MORE!

What if I could have any job in the universe?
This is tough so many things interest me. I really wish I could go back to school and become a graphic designer or be a stylist (cut hair-not sure what the PC term is there). I really don't care for my current degree (Dietitian), but what are you going to do. However, the job I have now, SAHM is pretty great. It is that job I never knew I wanted and so thankful (most days) I get to do it.

What if I had a day to myself?
A day with no whinning, mommy "why?," fussing and crying. I relish the thought. I seriously probably have no idea what I would do with myself. Sleep all day? I think yes!

What if I could get married all over again?
I loved my winter wonderland wedding. I don't think I would change much except the date I really wanted a New Year's Eve Wedding, but that fell on a Wednesday that year. :( However, I do think a fall wedding would have been cool and a bigger budget, but really in the grand scheme of things a wedding is a day and a marriage is a lifetime, so blowing tons of money would have never been my style.

What if I could live anywhere in the U.S.?
This may surprise you but I actually LIKE living in KS. I know it is flat and there are no oceans or mountain ranges, but I like it here. This is where my family is, this is where I grew up, living anywhere else would be weird.

What if I could have any talent in the world?
Again with the designing and photography. I wish I had an eye for design and could capture moments perfectly like my friends do.

What if you met me in real life?
I think you would realize what you see is what you get. How I am on here is how I am in real life. Although, my brand of funny doesn't translate too well on here, so hopefully you would think I was funnier in person. :)

What if I went back to school?
I don't want to go back to school to study! I just miss those carefree days, you know when you thought you were "busy" and had no time to yourself.

What if money weren't an object?
I would pay off all our student loan debt. I would hand out money right and left to help my family get things they need. Pay for my sister's college, my kids' college. Go on fun vacations. Oh the possibilities if money were no object.

What if I could meet one celebrity?
I would be so embarrassed to meet a celebrity. I would probably act like a total dork, or just come off rude because I didn't want to be "one of those" fans. But Reese Witherspoon is my all time fav, she seems so friendly, funny and down to earth.

What if I could only shop at one store for the rest of my life?
Is money still no object?! Already pretty much only shop at Target, so I guess I will leave it at that.

What if I could choose an animal/pet?
I don't get this one, probably because my comprehension level is low, but if I could choose and exotic pet--it is a giraffe hands down.

But if we are talking realistically, it would still be a poodle.

What if I could go on a trip right now?
A cruise. I am DYING to get back on one!!

What if I had to choose between a house cleaner and a professional chef?
This isn't even a question, house cleaner please! I like cleaning, but I never get to appreciate because as soon as I finish one room I have three two kids come in and mess it up! Too much work.
What if I had the option to get plastic surgery?
I am not sure I would actually go through with it even if I could, but I wouldn't mind being a little bit more well endowed up top.

Sort of an awkard question to end on...but there you have it.

And I had to include a pic of my two cute Wildcat fans!


  1. you make me laugh. im glad you did this :) LOVE LOVE LOVE your wildcats :)

  2. Love your winter wedding pic! I want a tummy tuck. Amen.


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