
06 January 2012

December Jewels

As I was organizing our pics for the month of December which total somewhere near 700+ I found these jewels.

1. Chad's 31st Birthday. I never even posted on it. Mostly because we were sick and his birthday got cancelled. :( However just a day before the great flu of 2011 hit we gave him his present. Doesn't he look hot? I know you are all jealous.

Happy Birthday Hot Stuff!

2. We finally got a snow. It ranked just above a dusting but not quite worth your time, unless you are 2. She has been waiting all year for this and I do hope for my sake we get a bigger snow sometime in the near future...

So happy!
3. As you can see this hat has made its rounds. I think it is great, everyone looks cool wearing it!
4. Lo and her wild imagination. Here she is a tiger.
Toddlers and Tiaras here we come! I see Grand Supreme in her near future. ;)
I am seeing a theme here...maybe I need to turn up the heat?! What's up Home Skillet?

* Jumpy Squirrel. This dude freaked me out. Here I am telling my life story to Chad and out of the corner of my eye I see this huge beast climbing up our deck. Then I realized it was just Jumpy. He came to ask us to kindly make him a new is getting cold and he is hungry!

So we did and he was happy!

The end.

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