
08 September 2010


I need an outlet. Somewhere to just get my feelings and emotions out. So bare with me today.

I am not sure where to start...on anything. Our lives (in a good way...hopefully, God willing) are turning upside down! Last Monday, I blogged about having the "moving bug." It was such an off the cuff comment. No different than saying "I want a million dollars," because that is about the equivalent of how likely it was for us to move. Then a few days later an opportunity to buy another house came up. It is the perfect space and right price for our growing family and it will allow us to get to where our entire lives revolve. Only problem, we need to sell this house. Talk about stepping out of my comfort zone. I just don't see how in this market it is possible, but I know with God anything is possible. And that is just it, this really feels like a God-thing. We weren't even looking and all in a matter of days things are all changing. We are definitely praying for guidance and God's will on this.

Now for the fun part getting our house listed. Seriously, what a FULL-TIME job. We have organized, straighten and re-arranged everything! It was an exhausting Labor Day weekend. Why don't we do this for ourselves as oppose to waiting to "sell" our home to make everything nice??!

Now, my next tasks is deep cleaning and doing more purging and organizing with a toddler, and not just any toddler a toddler who can destroy any room in a matter of 15 sec. Just call her hurricane Leighton. Honestly, since we have "decided" to do all this she has ramped up her rampage up a notch. This kid has gotten into cupboards, closets and drawers she never use to. It is like she knows I want things to be tidier than normal. ::sigh:: I am exhausted just thinking about it and here I sit because I am just so overwhelmed I don't know where to start or what to do?!!?

As my husband would tell me "how do you eat an elephant? Bite by bite" So I guess I will just keep telling myself that today.

Thanks for listening.


  1. You can do it!! I know how you feel though, although I was doing it by myself without a toddler while hubby was deployed last time. I'll keep my fingers crossed that someone finds your house to be the "perfect" house for them!

  2. Yes, "bite by bite" is the only way to look at it. Otherwise, it is too overwhelming! I pray that it will all come together for you and your sweet family and we know that even in these tough economic times that the Lord can certainly allow it to happen. Wish I could come and help you ready your house to sell. Blessings to you during this exciting and stressful time. Smiles!

  3. I can't imagine deep cleaning and organizing/preparing a house with a toddler. Good luck and I know you will do it. I will pray for you right now as you make decisions about moving. I do hope it works out for you to be closer to where your life revolves.


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